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RE: It's the @nonameslefttouse 1000 Post Party Extravaganza Show!
Yeah, it's unfortunate. I've been seeing this message a lot in the past few weeks. Probably time to just pack it in, maybe start sharing links to another person's hard work or just throw up a meme I didn't create but found to be funny. No real point in trying so hard, is there?
Please. Here is an example to aspire to: mushrooms. You are putting way too much effort into this. Just collect the Internet onto the blockchain -- for posterity! ; )
... I was being sarcastic! I did put a lot of effort into this post though... far more than 70 cents worth of my time went into it.
So that's not your updated vision for your blog here? You're sticking with what you like doing rather than chase what's getting the key upvotes? ; )
I want to make the stuff they share, not sell stolen shoes out of the back of a beat up car.
I like that stolen shoes and beatup car analogy. I wonder if that's what's in the back of that blue Pinto, lol.
Empty beer bottles and a 3 month old lost cheeseburger. That's what's in the back of the Pinto.