
Yeah, I'm getting that turd is third and tree is three, just not getting the ten, I should probably look it up and not post this, so I don't continue the airhead streak on the blockchain...may edit later, lol.

Its no fair. He's using fractions. Fractions suck. My students lose their freaking minds as soon as they see a fraction. Oh and negatives. They hate those!

Try the trees and turds approach with them.

"Let's make fractions fun again!"

...said nobody, ever.

I'm sure somebody said it once... and then his friends beat the crap out of him!

That sounds about right!

LOL to both of these comments!

You know, I was super good at math in elementary school, but the right side of my brain decided to grow and overwhelm the left side as I got older, and suddenly anything mathematical or technical became a problem. Philosophy, language, arts, those things come easy :)

Three and a third it, jesus, LOL. I felt the cartoon light bulb blink on above my head...

I think I'll remain silent and let those tree turds torture you. :)

You would...Did I mention I missed you, you son of a bitch? lol. I am catching up on comments that I missed today, and I realized something. It can be a bit of a chore. But this banter, you, never was.

I'm like one of those robot vacuums. Sure, I suck, but at least people don't push me around(whatever that means).

Actually, that one I get, ha!

I wrote another dumb joke today. I might slip it into my next ridiculous post somewhere.

The vacuum one instantly reminded me of that post your wrote about being a vacuum salesman, LOL!

Hey! You remember that one? That was awhile back. True story too!

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