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RE: I Don't Always Enter a Contest...

in #funny8 years ago

I'm not always performing. I'm sure many would be blown away after reading something like that and then looking at the rest of the story. I doubt I'll be doing a profanity piece any time soon. Maybe a dick joke, LOL. I can put my game face on and be professional. I can do a lot of things. People do make a huge mistake though when they judge this book by it's cover. I don't hold that against them, it's no secret to me that we live in a superficial society. I'm one of those types people have to get to know before they can ever figure me out... and then I'll do something again which catches them completely off guard.


I know what you can do. I really do have a gift for spotting depth of character. No one is perfect of course, but some are truly only surface. It's what ultimately draws me or repels me. Sometimes it's obvious from their work, if their genuine like paul, or shallow like some others, but i'll still talk to them, see if I'm right. I generally am 99.9 %(in this one thing I'm cocky haha) But good luck taking me off guard ;)

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