I Don't Always Enter a Contest...

in #funny8 years ago

But When I Do

Official Business

I was scrolling along one day, minding my own business. I noticed an article.


"Wild and strange," that's me! "Self, you can totally do this," I thought.

The Rules Were Simple

  • Take this photo


  • ...and do whatever the hell you want with it.

I Can Do That!

There was also a suggestion one could use clay but unfortunately my Play-doh dried up nearly 30 years ago.

The character you see in the image is Steemit's own @ballinconscious. He's a cool cat. He taught me all about how the word OK is actually just a stick person laying on it's side, hiding out. My life has not been the same since.

To be honest, it doesn't really matter if I win a contest or not. @papa-pepper and @ballinconscious are the real winners here. They're both a couple of class acts and I don't mind giving each a free plug. Head over to their blogs later, maybe give them a follow or a least a high five.

I did mess around with the photo though. You may want to put on your coolest pair of shades for this one.


The Hype Train!

Which Leads to a Countdown!

Using the Cool Numbers I Made Yesterday!

I Had a Feeling They Would Come in Handy!

Put Your Helmet On!


...and this was the day I entered a contest. @ballinconscious and @papa-pepper, don't burn yourselves. That's your photo now. Enjoy.

@nonameslefttouse was here

Follow @nonameslefttouse
[email protected]

©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


Officially entered and I loved the countdown!!!

Great job!

Thanks a lot. ...and yeah I'm still chuckling about the countdown.
This place is almost too much fun at times. I like making everything POP!

Me too, having fun and making it even more fun!

Great job!

The tension was mounting as the countdown progressed, great entry!

I'm glad you liked it. I had no idea this countdown thing would be such a hit either. Seems people liked it, so I'm happy about that. Thanks for stopping in!

LOL! I just snooped around and noticed you have an entry and used playdoh! When I wrote this I had no idea someone did that and up there I made a joke about using play doh... I kind of feel like an ass now. Your creation looks awesome! Next time I'll have a look around first.

Thanks,Hehe and nah be yourself and just say what comes to mind. That's what I do!!!

Yeah... I do that all the time. I should be used to this foot in mouth syndrome by now...
Anyway, have a good day!

@ballinconscious started the fire! And now it is all burnin' as the world is turning!

Great contest entry post!!! I feel like I have badass magical fire powers now!!! Btw your a pretty cool cat yourself ^_^ Upvoted and resteemed!

Hey thanks man! Glad you like it. Now you can tell people you surf fire on orbs, and they have no choice but to believe you.

Your welcome, I really do! Sweet, Never have been able to say that in the past until now^_^ "hey btw, did you know that I surf on fire while riding an orb?"

You're probably the first one. I hope this new sport goes mainstream.

That would be a crazy awesome dangerous sport. Not sure if it would be legal?

Probably just have to bring your own elbow pads and sign a waiver.

He's hurtling into the sun! @papa-pepper doesn't know what he started. @ballinconscious is like Icarus. Only maybe he will make it to the Sun OK, since he knows "OK". You got your countdown done just in time, too.

Got the countdown done just in time! LOL! Yes, yes I did. That was a close one!

I really don't get how anyone couldn't love your stuff...I'll go as far as to say that I doubt I would get along with anyone who didn't. They'd have to completely lack humor and imagination A.K.A dull and cranky assholes.

I actually got a runner up wild card prize for this one. I was quite impressed!

I just read the comments from the other woman on your post today and HAHAHA I don't think she's ever seen your stuff before. She resteemed you, which is awesome and funny. I wonder if she'll put two and two together the next time you post a fuckity fuckfest or a giant penis sign...you're a source of laughter even when you're not being funny. Awesome.

I'm not always performing. I'm sure many would be blown away after reading something like that and then looking at the rest of the story. I doubt I'll be doing a profanity piece any time soon. Maybe a dick joke, LOL. I can put my game face on and be professional. I can do a lot of things. People do make a huge mistake though when they judge this book by it's cover. I don't hold that against them, it's no secret to me that we live in a superficial society. I'm one of those types people have to get to know before they can ever figure me out... and then I'll do something again which catches them completely off guard.

I know what you can do. I really do have a gift for spotting depth of character. No one is perfect of course, but some are truly only surface. It's what ultimately draws me or repels me. Sometimes it's obvious from their work, if their genuine like paul, or shallow like some others, but i'll still talk to them, see if I'm right. I generally am 99.9 %(in this one thing I'm cocky haha) But good luck taking me off guard ;)

and boom....

I hit the rock bottom
Not a single post was worth less valuable than it was 2years ago..


Not much of your kind on the platform...

7days you are not online and the platform getting boring already...

Crap, it's been almost 2 weeks now. Did the whales scare him away?

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