
You know it is so difficult for me to understand what the metric is for such things on this platform. @kiwideb's husband or partner, not sure, made a few comments in a post about Americans and their prudishness, and of course there are exceptions (moi) but he isn't wrong. Particularly those of the pseudo-intellectual clan, which sadly there are a great deal of on steemit. The snooty "book club" types, who will discuss symbolism and metaphor and all kinds of nonsense in a book where the author probably had no such thoughts about when he/she wrote it. And they will turn their nose up at a book where the characters say fuck and shit because it's vulgar which they seem to translate as ignorant. And yes, there are ignorant people who swear a great deal because they're vocabulary is limited, but there are also a large number of very intelligent people who swear for a reason. Be it clever humor, in your case, or in line with characters, in my case. So what I guess I think is that eventually the population of steemit will grow and include a bigger variety of people who will not all be from this clan and things will change.

I have trouble judging people, but I realize many would and do judge me. I've noticed my humor seems to sit well with folks from the "commonwealth" countries. A few americans as well. I really don't know what type of people are here. I suppose I don't really care. I'm holding too much back to make something like this article really shine. I get the feeling people would prefer things I do to be a little more mainstream. I'm always working hard and offering up many of my own images per article. Sometimes I think people see that and think I'm trying to up the ante or set the bar to a place they can't reach. That's not the case though. Or maybe they see the poor penmanship in the letters, judge me accordingly, and don't realize it's all intentional. I do a lot of self deprecation style bits. Making myself appear to be stupid is part of the show. If people really do think I'm a bit off, they should probably vote. That means I did a good job. For the most part though, I'm just being myself.

I just don't get it... humor in all it's forms is such a huge draw everywhere else. I see people here googling jokes and "borrowing" memes to get a laugh. They get the big votes for some reason. Here I am on a new platform attempting to be something new and never before seen. I'm holding back, but damn, it feels like I'm being held back at times. Not always, some days just feel strange here. Oh well...

Oh, I also wanted to tell you that countzero, the one who asked why it was popular, is a kid, literally a kid, from I think Russia. He was being literal, he has a language barrier and is trying hard to 'get' what's going on here lol

Yeah, I figured that one out after I asked what was wrong. I don't mind explaining though. I have kids, I know how to say, "this is grown up humor." ... but it's never wise to start with that line... just in case, you know, it's a pouting adult.

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