A Random Green Thing With Red Stuff In It

in #funny7 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again.
You'll never be able to guess what's inside this post!

Random Green Thing.jpeg
A Random Green Thing With Red Stuff In It

If you somehow managed to guess that you'd see A Random Green Thing With Red Stuff In It, you're good at this game. How you knew it was that when there's only one Random Green Thing With Red Stuff In It on this entire planet is beyond me. Kudos. You certainly know your stuff.

Random Joke Time!

My favorite joke.

The little lizard was walking along one day, minding his own business, doing things lizards do. Not a care in the world.

He came upon a tree in the woods. Sitting in the tree was his friend, The Koala.

"Hey Koala! What are doing today," asked lizard.

"Oh, nothing much, Little Lizard. Just sitting here, smoking a joint. You want some," asked The Koala.

The lizard did want some, so he climbed the tree and joined his friend. They sat up there for quite awhile, stoned out of their minds. The lizard became thirsty. He had the pasties. Needed water, and fast.

The Koala recommended Little Lizard head down to the river. He insisted there would be a lot to drink there. So the lizard climbed down the tree and headed on over to the river.

Lizard met up with his old friend Crocodile at the river. They had a brief conversation, stoner talk mostly. The crocodile was interested and wondered if The Koala had anymore weed he could spare. Little Lizard wasn't sure, so he told Crocodile to head on over to the tree and ask The Koala himself.

Crocodile did not hesitate. He found the tree, saw the Koala and asked if he had anymore weed.

Koala looked at him and said,

Holy fucking shit Lizard! How much water did you drink!

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I love that joke..."
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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This is original and funny so I give you my vote.

Thanks. Normally I write my own jokes. Today I shared one I heard years ago around a campfire. Just thought it was time.

What do you call a Camel with 3 humps?


I nearly choked on my carrot when I read this...

I'm hearing that for the first time!
Upvoted :)

Thanks. I was hoping to catch a few off guard. I'm sure some have heard it before. It is hilarious though! I've probably told it a thousand times and it's still funny.

Haha :P Cool :)

Haha, I've never heard this one before ever
You don't see a stoned lizard and koala every day

got confused lol

hahaha...nothing can beat stoner's talk in the world...always to the point ;)

Yup! It's true. They have their own language everyone can understand it seems.

hahahah funny! That Koala was really stoned lol
I have a short one

-Hey nice to meet you! What do you do for a living?
-Im a rocker!
-Cool!! What do you do? Play guitar, drums? Lead singer?
-No Way! I just gather rocks and sell them


MAN! That was corny, which is awesome!

Here's one back.
Why did the eskimo wash his clothes in tide?
Because it's too damn cold out tide!

hahahha classy!

ok... don´t stop me now ;)

  • Hey dad! How does it feel to have such a beautiful son?
  • I don´t know son, ask your grandpa.


How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
Ten Tickles.

lol , love the funny short ones!

  • Aunty what´s the make up for?
  • To look pretty darling
  • I see... and how long until it starts taking effect ?

I broke my arm in two places. You know what the doctor said?
Stay out of those places.

-Honey can I have the baby back?
-wait until he cries
-Until he cries???!!!
-yeah... cos I cant find him...

...my mind went blank
Thanks for keeping me entertained though!

Ha ha ha, Koala thinking Crocodile is, his friend lizard. This is size matter.

Tom and Jerry! I used to watch that daily.

Yes, This is my favorite cartoon show. Thanks

Hahhaahahaha, great joke!

That's a classic. I always wanted to share it here. It's always good for a laugh.

OK, very funny.
You got red stuff on that green thing.

I forgot the damn napkins again!

ah, that picture reminds me of a lava lamp :)

I had no idea what to do with it, so I did... this. I'm beginning to think I'm the weirdest artist in the world.

I think you're great man. (ლ ^ิ౪^ิ)ლ

Maybe the art isn't random. Maybe if you smoke a joint the shapes turn into a lizard, crocodile, and koala. Good excuse to smoke a joint to find out.

Totally random. I produced the image and had no idea how I was going to "sell" it. One thing just led to another and here we are... trying to find animals in red stuffs. Good times!

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