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RE: The Screams of Demon Porn in the Morning

in #funny7 years ago

I've been to Canada once, but just across the border. It was all just like America (they even let me use US cash at the Wendy's), and almost easy to forget I was in a foreign country - until I got back to the motel room, turned on the TV, and they were showing curling. Not even during the Olympics or anything; just curling on television in the middle of the afternoon, as if it were just an every-day thing. It was then that I knew I was truly in a foreign land.


I've had a similar experience except; I was going the other way, they looked at my money as if a crazy person made it in their home kitchen, and there was a rodeo on tv for no apparent reason. Clowns and everything.

Well, hold on, now. You guys have the Calgary Stampede, which is famous (among certain groups, at least) even down here. Rodeos aren't just our gig. :P

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