Tackle Trump

in #funny7 years ago

One of my FB friends shared this gif today.

I find it mesmerizing and I think that I am going to watch it for the next hour.

I'm also pretty sure that there is something wrong with me ;)


I hate facebook , that would have been even funnier it happened to Hillary ! Lol ! 😆

that would have been even funnier it happened to Hillary

I'm like a Steemit freak of nature in that I like Hillary a lot more than Trump 🤗

Thats because the media only lets people hear what they want them to hear , they can be very biased leaning one way ! And report fake news and twist things all the time , you cant believe anything you hear these days . I think Trump can actually do alot of good for Americans and actally allready has if people would just listen to the truth and what the media frenzy gets people all riled up about ! Running around shooting people and causeing riots ! Its rediculous ! Anyways im glad im Canadian ! Lol ! Steem on ! 😂😂😆

Im just tired of Trump getting bashed all the time

Then close your eyes!!!!!! He gets bashed in the gif about every two seconds :)

Yes this kind of stuff is always on facebook ! Another reason i hate facebook , and love steemit ! 💙👍😉💙

Here's another video for you to get you rocks off on.


Just remember every time an SJW opens their mouth Trumps administration get a day longer and the wall gets an inch higher.

Nationalism and closeminded immigration policies are a very thin and unconvincing veneer over unabashed racism.

I'd rather closedminded than shit for brains minded.

I got away from Facebook to escape this guy. just a simple request, can the people just do away with him for one day? is that not too much to ask?
no it's really not funny anymore

can the people just do away with him for one day?

Sorry @junoberries... Trump will be the headline for the next 4 years. That's just the world we live in.

Also, welcome to Steemit.

true but it does not mean we have to feed into it... there is way way more to life and to living... well off to take some photos and see if i can access an angle grinder... bows like you said just the world we live in... some of us just participate differently :3

It's kind of weirdly satisfying to watch... although I'm with those who are largely avoiding Facebook to get away from all the political hooplah. But yeah, this is funny.

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