Do You Feel Disconnected Lately? How To Combat Depression and Win! (Part One)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Do you feel disconnected lately? Do you feel a little down or depressed? Perhaps you have an interest in spirituality, metaphysics, the paranormal, yoga, nutrition, natural healing, and alternative medicine?

I believe we are connected. Do you?

I hope so. I also hope you have a twisted sense of humor, like I do. In this new 10 part series, I am going to (in a fun way) discuss ways we can conquer depression safely and effectively. And for the retarded fools that need disclaimers: I am not a doctor, lawyer or Indian chief (I'm a spiritual, rock and roll Guru, dammit). I will share what works for my friends, and myself, and then you, as a mature adult, can decide if this method is right for you. I am also not offering an easy cure nor I am trying to sell you anything. It's free, but it ain't easy. In my experience, nothing easy works too well or lasts for long. You gotta earn it!

WTF! Heyyy. Don't give up!

How Are You?

Do you ever ask anyone that question? I never know how to answer that one, lately. Can you answer that simple question honestly?

I know a lot of people are hurting right now for various reasons. I can feel you, and I feel for you. If you are an empath you might understand where I am going with this. Briefly, an empath is someone with the paranormal ability to feel or experience the mental, physical or emotional state of another person. Cat lovers will probably read that and say, "Hey, my cat must be an empath. She always knows exactly how I feel!"


Can I Help?
Do you ever ask that question? No, 'cause you only think about yourself! Haha. Seriously, please know that you (and I) are not alone. Maybe I can share where I am at presently, and perhaps, it might help you?

Ok, here goes: The change of weather is kicking my ass. I am fighting off chronic sinusitis, sinus migraines, my white blood cell count is fucked up again and my medication to prevent Cancer was DENIED by the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) again. (For new friends, I was a 9/11 responder). My night terrors (nightmares) from Ground Zero are so bad that I grind my teeth, chew my lip, the inside of my mouth, and wake up with bloody pillow cases! But wait! That's not all. I have to use a C-PAP machine (to breathe at night) and need several nebulizer treatments each day. I haven't even had a date in over two years! Cry for me. HA! Hey, anyone wanna sleep over and play with all my machines? Haha. Am I man or machine? I am not even sure anymore. Okay, I know what you're thinking: Dim the lights and cue the violins again. Ouch, y'all are so compassionate! :D

Source: Giphy

Sure, I have a lot to be depressed about. When I get depressed it is caused by my medical conditions, but am I going to let that stop me? Nope. A question for you: What causes your depression?

The WTC Health Program (also known as the 9/11 responder program) covers many of my 9/11-related illnesses, including PTSD and depression. But what if you don't want to take anymore pills? What if you have had enough of Big Pharma and the toxic, profit-before-people medical industry? If you're anything like me, you're going to get online and try to figure out natural cures and treatments, right?

Hilton Head Island. Home of big fancy yachts.

No Fucks
Let's face it, many doctors care more about their big houses, yachts and fancy cars than they do about helping anyone. A lot of them are just legal drug pushers. They're not trying to cure you. In fact, those I know personally in the industry, hate their patients with a passion. They are simply driven by greed. They don't care about curing you. They just want your hard earned money. I love when the caffeine starts kicking in. Heh.

As I mentioned previously, in this 10 part series, I am hoping (that in a fun way, if possible) that we will discuss our successes and failures. So please Upvote. I also hope that some of you can laugh at my dark sense of humor.

Seriously though, when I have all these medical problems attacking me at once, I get depressed. Depression is a long, dark road with no light.

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent...

I Don't Like The Drugs But The Drugs Like Me
Kidding. Has medication worked for you in the past? It has helped me, sort of. I am writing this article from a mental hospital, so don't try any of this at home. Kidding again. I'm at a crowded Starbucks, actually. Is there a difference? :D
Sure, my list of ailments is rather long and disturbing, especially with the threat of Cancer trying to suck the fucking life out of me. But I don't see the point in worrying much or complaining. I am action-oriented, I have goals, and have always felt like helping others has helped me. In other words, you are not alone. Especially, if you suffer from anxiety and/or depression.

As far as medications being effective, like most natural treatments, they just don't last that long. A few weeks or months maybe. Which is why medical doctors feel the need to up a patient's medication. And each medication usually has dreadful, sometimes fatal side effects.

So if drugs don't work for long, and natural cures only work sometimes, what can we do?
Hold on, we're gonna get to all that. We still have nine more juicy chapters to get to. Be patient. I've got more jokes to tell you first. One medication I took caused me to gain 60 pounds and lose my hair several years ago. Thankfully, I took off the weight and most of my hair grew back. Hey, you can be fat or bald, but you can't be both! :D

Obviously, I got much more depressed from those pills. Still, I didn't give up. I kept searching for something that might work. In my case, I also needed to find the right psychiatrist who understood war-related Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) as a medical condition (I have a TBI - traumatic brain injury) not just as a psychological condition. Depression is a symptom of PTSD. Too many ignorant doctors believe it is "just depression." Which tells you they don't even take depression seriously. They're just like politicians; most of them just don't give a flying fuck about any of you. So maybe it's time for you to care about yourself!

I am going to share my method, because it works, and everyone I have met on STEEMIT has been really awesome! I really hate knowing that people are suffering alone.

Source: Hilton Head Lighthouse
Image Sources -
1, 2, 3
Music Video & Lyrics: © Florence + The Machine - No Light, No Light

Don't miss Part Two.


Good words, you are so strong.

Thanks for shining your light :)

That's beautiful!

You are a good man.. I am a former Registered Respiratory Therapist.. I have a website on CPAP in much need of updating.. at some point I will.. :) BTW: I don't chew gum because it causes me TMJ .. So what do I do .. meditate.. love it .. I am not in any cult or religion.. I do meditate and it brings healing and peace and awareness...guess what those are just a few of the side effects. @magick323

My CPAP machine needs new filters. Forget where to get them. And meditation helps me quite a bit. On a good day nothing phases me. Not an expert yet but I do have quite a few good days each month. Do you feel it's somehow associated with cult or religions? :D

good to connect for sure .. on your question just making a statement because some people might wonder .. :)

I replied earlier but apparently I forgot to
push the button again no I just put that so in case people think I am

I have the same problem. Or maybe my wifi signal is low and my posts disappear. I'm gonna stick with that one. BTW Here is Part Two, in case you didn't see it in your feed. :D
Thanks again!

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