Banks are amazing!

in #funny6 years ago (edited)


So this just happened to me:

I wanted to login to one of my credit card accounts with chase. Of course my browser has the information stored like any good browser would.

It did not work.


Tried this a few times, even typed the password in myself.

Did not work. How weird. And WTF.

"Oh well", I thought let's just get a new password.

I get asked for some information, like my social security number and credit card number.

I type them in the result is:

"Your record could not be located"


I pick up the phone and call the Credit Card number. I hear my balance ,that I just made an autopayment bla bla bla.

After a while I finally get to speak to a person, to which I explain my problem.

The response that I get:

Chase Guy: "You don't have an online account with us ,Sir"

Me: "Umm, that is impossible, I have been using this card several for years and I have made payments and stuff online exclusively."

Chase Guy: "You could have used other payments methods, like mailed in checks or over the phone"

Me: "No Sir I don't do these things."

Chase Guy: "You could have paid at a branch"

Me: "I have never set foot into a Chase brand in my life, and I remember very clearly using your online website."

Chase Guy: "I see you have auto pay setup, when is the last time you logged in"

Me:" I moved in February and changed my address online"

Chase Guy:" Well I suggest you setup a new account"

So I did. And in fact that worked as if I were a new customer. All my data was there including the auto payment information.

Clearly they just deleted my account somehow.

I cannot believe my account could have just been deleted and then the guy thinks I am an idiot. The tone in his voice was clearly communicating to me that of course I was wrong and could not have ever had an account with them, ever.

This shit cannot be made up.

I just cannot wait to dumb all of my banks and just use crypto.


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I could imagine how you felt because I been in almost the same situation. Can you believe a credit expiring after just 1year? Damn, I was played.

I created an account and my credit card was due to expire in 3yrs but after 14 months, I provided my card details online to get a product and I was told my card had expired. I called the bank and it confirmed it and told to come do a new one. I mean I was furious and that is the last interaction with the bank. Luckily, I had less than $10 though it was my part of hard earn savings as a student.

I am already all in on crypto though it's a though time for me now and I think for every other crypto enthusiast too but I remain positive in the future of Cryptos.

It was nice adding your experience to mine lol

Have a nice day!

Posted using Partiko Android

Another crazy story @akomoajong

Imagine how things will be different if instead of other human we will deal with advanced AI.


Its very rare that a bank is going to admit fault on their end.

Thanks for sharing the story.

hi @rentmoney

Its very rare that a bank is going to admit fault on their end.


Also unfortunatelly that's how many of those people act. They are not very qualified and end up working as a call-support with little salaries, being frustrated and actually dealing with many idiots.


Very true .....

I haven't faced anything that terrible. But when looking at interviews by YouTubers on Colleges, I'm not surprised at all. I've also read about many incidents like this one: and I once read about a guy who tried to send a wire transfer to Singapore and the person at the other end on the line had no idea about Singapore.

Hi @vimukthi

I once read about a guy who tried to send a wire transfer to Singapore and the person at the other end on the line had no idea about Singapore.

This is hillarious and funny. And not funny at the same time :/

Yours, Piotr

LMAO, that moment when you're extremely clear and sure of something and someone is busy doubting you.

What kills me is when they call you and then need to go through the 600 questions to confirm your identity.

oh yes, they are mad. What if you need to use your card in any important case? Will not work......

Wow, that's scary! I would have been worried that I had been hacked or something. Regardless, it's very unsettling. Sorry you went through that. Hopefully everything is resolved now.

Oh! I am sorry to hear that. However, you gonna have a better account and more safe.

I predict that if you ever get to the stage where you can only use crypto, you will get lots of more shit 😂

hi @crypto-econom1st

Indeed. Crypto and advanced AI will make things more difficult for many ...

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