I'm a Millionaire Now! Thanks CaDawg!

in #funny4 years ago

( a screencap from my steempeak.com wallet showing a $1,500,000 USD valuation )

Went to go check the wallet on Steempeak.com and noticed that I'm now a millionaire according to the valuation listed at the bottom of the page. Sweet. Turns out I supposedly have 1.5 Million dollars worth of a token called STOP... Which stands for "SteemOnProxy Token" which was created by none other than the scoundrel known as @cadawg. I went onto Steem-Engine.com to check the token out:


Now, eager to buy lamborghinis and ladyboys I went to go convert some of this million and a half into BTC to load onto my credit card.. However it seems like the liquidity is sorely lacking and I was only able to cash out 0.5 STEEM worth of this STOP token.. Sadly this won't buy me any lambos or ladyboys.


Either way this seems like a good initiative by @cadawg in order to help pool together votes via proxy in order to fight against @justinsunsteemit who is in the throws of a hostile takeover of our chain. Go and proxy your witness votes to the @stop.proxy account and help us fight the tyrants!


Every Single Vote Helps, Thanks for the Support!

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Well, that's the way the market crumbles.

I am sure you will get a lambo soon...

as the roads all crumble from lack of maintenance. ^_^

lol. Sounds about right. You wouldn't want to drive a Lambo up her anyways.. Roads are shit.

@stop.proxy doesn't exist you troglodyte. It's @stop.token who you proxy your vote to.

Since you're such an idot, you can now proxy to any of these accounts to earn tokens:

We have a fair bit of influence. 40k SP not bad...

Latest Run:

Need to restart the bot also. :P

lol. I tried.

!giphy fail

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Thonks for doing a try, fren. It is much appreciated.

In all honesty, it means a lot to have yours and other's support on this project. Thank You!

~ @CADawg

Congratulations on your newfound wealth. Can I borrow $500,000?

Sadly the best I can do is half a STEEM

Wait, ladyboys?? LOL

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