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RE: RAMBLE ON #5 | Falling Flat Like a Joke

in #funny7 years ago

At least you gave it all the college try, mate! You did way better than the clairvoyant! For a travel blogger, it doesn't seem like you're going to far away places and prefer going to places near where you were from. Now that's funny stuff right there haha! You should've opted for real food instead of drinks, this money management skill is why you find yourself in a hole.


I have updated the byline to travel and adventure blogger. Little by little I am backing myself out of a corner. Just whatever grabs my fancy writing wise and can loosely fit into a sense of travel. Or lack of travel, as the case may actually be. Wherever there are some giggles to be had.

I thought about allowing our character three square meals and a good night sleep, but I ran out of material after the second paragraph. The character arc went down in flames. Oh well, time to throw him to the wolves. See who he becomes after all of that. He never seems to learn though. What dumb adventure will he embark on next?

I won't make the mistake of ever trying to guess haha! I'm just going to roll with it and see where the road takes him. It might be to the opposite end of the Earth, or it might be just down the street.

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