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RE: I done fixed it like new!

in #funny6 years ago

lol! actually we were hoping to get away from the "E-check" system that they have in Ohio where you have to take your vehicle in every 3 years and they are very strict about the exhaust which can run into serious money to fix of course. But it's worse here! An ANNUAL inspection on all vehicles which is very strict so it's an annual repairs session just to get the passing grade on the inspection and plus it costs $75 per vehicle for the inspection. so red tape no matter where you go I reckon. but I think the above "repairs" and vehicles are "off the books" lol. But I been back in them Eastern Kentucky areas, hollows...they say "hollers" that the local sheriff deputies ain't gonna bother with most of those people, they pretty much leave them alone. lol. probably in exchange for moonshine which is still going on and I've had some of that, oh my! Blow your mind with one sip! Hey if I wanted to email you off this platform is it allowed to give you my email? I got a couple of things to say that I wouldn't want the world to see.


I always did say zip ties are the 2nd best invention after duck tape.
Those inspectors can be brutal. They sometimes don't see the great value of duck tape and zip ties in these parts.

May as well fly under radar ... this is like some crazy video game or inspection dodge

yes Ma'am me think I'll take your advice and fly
way under the radar thank you thank you.
I hate inspectors. can't theyjust leave people alone?
are you guy's out in the country?

Oh yeah it's a regular ole Green Acres around here. Cause we got too old to be playin at Dukes Of Hazard Yeeeeehaaah

oh you are so fun! you did my redneck yell! my wife doesn't find that humorous for some reason but she's a city girl so..
are you actually in the country?

We bounce back and forth. I am in a very rural location today internet keeps cutting out. I do love the photo ops out here.
How about you. I am thinking you enjoy a more rural atmosphere. BTW Is Mrs. J on Steemit too?

P.S. my bike ride video was most excellent for a glance at our local. I spent forever getting the music synced and sadly got ziltch for views.

hey we need more of those photos please! nice bike too!
you guys rock out there!

Well you asked for rural we got plenty of that

do you have any photos of your place in your posts?
I have alot of ours in mine. we have a totally private 15 acres out in the country, hence all the problems with the coyotes and such but it's very peaceful. except for the near constant gunshots from a gun range and our neighbors but after awhile you don't hear them hardly.
Mrs. J doesn't write much plus she's busy doing other things. What about your husband, does he have an interest in it?

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