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RE: This Just In: Some Random Asshole Started a Comedy Competition! There Are Prizes! Big Juicy Wads of SBD! Mmmm Money!

in #funny6 years ago

“You are now diskoalafied.”

This is secretly how I’ve always hoped Aussies talk on a regular basis—sentences just overflowing with Australia-related puns.

Thank you for steering the joke straight into my fantasy version of how Australia works. I’m happier than you can imagine that you took it there.

In fact, I can’t describe how sad I would be if you dingo there......

Did—did I just, like, win Steemit?


So many times in our random and unexpected interactions I think to myself "hmm... we could be friends",


We - @idikuci and @ilt-yodith
friends - people who drink together and occasionally discourse about irrelevent topics

But then I remember I don't know anything about you or even what your name means, is it an anagram for something? Yoda's rap name mispelt (lit-yodi)? I just don't know. And I can accept the Australian bashing and you taking my post and making it better, but I can't believe you would use a dingo's name in vain. It's just down right unAustralian of you.

I think I need time to process what you have done here today.
Cos it was pretty good.

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