They'll Give You Money for That? A Quick Glimpse at a Few Weird College Scholarships.

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

A couple of weeks ago, I was watching Modern Family. The episode revolved around Phil taking his son to visit colleges. In one scene, Phil and his son Luke sneak into the college's bell tower. Once there, Phil proceeds to tell his son that he knew a girl in college who had earned a scholarship for playing these giant bells.

Wait. What?

Knowing that neither of my children are going to earn an athletic scholarship (through no fault of their own... they didn't ask to be born with my clumsy and geeky DNA) I immediately paused the episode and grabbed my laptop to see if this were true. Even though my kids are both pretty smart, its too soon to tell if they will earn any academic, music, or performance scholarships. Therefore, I am always looking for creative ways for them to fund their college education.

First of all, I discovered that these bells are called a carillon and one who plays them is called a carillonneur.

Next, I found out that there are indeed scholarships for playing these bells. If you don't believe me, check out this Clemson page for proof.

This search got me thinking. I wondered what other unique (weird) scholarships there were.

I decided to do a little research. I was not disappointed.

Here are three of my favorite unique (weird) scholarships:

1. Gamers Helping Gamers Scholarship

I think my son could actually have a shot at this one.
But something tells me I'd end up spending more on cards than college.

This one made me laugh out loud. But in a really good way. It was more out of surprise than anything else. I wear the title "geek" as a badge of honor so when I say the geeks awarding this one are brilliant, I mean that as a compliment. If people can get scholarships for being a punter, shortstop, cheer leader or carillonneur... why not for being an excellent Planeswalker? What's a Planeswalker? A Planeswalker is a "powerful mage who can traverse the planes of existence"... duh.

I may joke... but the money isn't one. Gamers Helping Gamers awards a $5000 scholarship to a U.S. high school student who loves to play Magic the Gathering (MTG if you are cool... I'm not). All they have to do is provide the best answer to these questions:

  • A personal statement that touches on: (a) your background in magic, the role magic has had in your life, and why you would be a good recipient; and (b) your future academic and career goals.
  • What is your favorite magic card or mechanic and why?
  • What is your least favorite magic card or mechanic and why?
  • What aspect(s) of the Magic community would you like to see changed and why?

Looks like its time to get my son some Magic Cards, a case of Mountain Dew, and 3 or 4 geeky friends. Harvard he we come!!!!! I can't wait for my son to tell his high school counselor that he has been training to be a master Planeswlaker since he was 11. Actually, I bet that will be a dynamite pick up line in high school... ummmmm no it won't.

2. Stuck at Prom Scholarship (Make your prom outfit out of Duck Tape)

Yes these outfits are made almost completely out of Duck Tape.
Even the corsage is made from it. What a cheapskate! JK (as the kids would say)

This one looks like it would take quite a bit of time and talent. I am not even sure how someone becomes a duct tape artist, but I'm sure it takes years of dedication. Perhaps there is some duct tape master who lives in a shack on the top of a mountain. Those who are deemed worthy train with the master crafting all of their material possessions out of duct tape. They learn to make forks, combs, plates, toenail clippers, smart phones, and underwear from duct tape. Wait. Maybe not underwear (ouch).

If that is the case, and students learn to master the art of duct tape manipulation, they can earn a $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 or $10,000 scholarship awarded by Duck Brand.

In addition to having earned their black silver belt in duct tape manipulation, the applicants must be legal residents of the United States or Canada (excluding Maryland, Vermont, Colorado and the Province of Quebec), at least 14 years of age and attend a high school, home school association or other school-sanctioned prom in the calendar year.

These scholarships are awarded to the students who receive the most online votes. So in about seven years, you can expect me to be here begging all of you to vote for my kids.

Finally my absolute favorite!

3. The Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

I guess it's ok to be the jackass at the end of class who decides to ask a pointless question...
if you've already eaten everyone else.

Oh it's real and it's spectacular.

If you are at least thirteen years of age, a U.S. resident, and enrolled or plan to enroll in a college or university, you have a shot at winning a $2000 scholarship awarded by Unigo.

All you have to do is survive the Zombie Apocalypse!

Alright, you don't have to actually survive one, but you do have to write an awesome essay on how you would survive one.

The Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship is awarded to the person who submits the best answer to the following question:

"Imagine that your high school or college has been overrun with zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies, and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Flesh out a plan to avoid the zombies, including where you’d hide and the top-five things you’d bring to stay alive." (250 words or less)

Guess when the deadline for this one is... October 31st of course!

My son is a bigger scaredy cat than I am (I love the kid... but again my DNA). Therefore, I may need to "help" him with this one.

I think I'd either hide in a Radio Shack or Comiskey Park (The Home of the Chicago Whitesox)... because no-one, not even zombies, goes there anymore.

The 5 things I would bring:

  1. Plastic tarp
  2. Baby oil for the tarp (You know what's funny? People falling down. What's funnier? Zombies falling down.)
  3. Lightsaber (If they get to have zombies, I get to have a freaking lightsaber!)
  4. Chuck Norris
  5. Spider-goat body armor

How would you answer the Zombie Apocalypse question?

If you were wealthy and could create your own scholarship, what would be your criteria for the winner?

I'd probably aim for something Star Wars related. Perhaps I'd go with "In 250 words or less, explain why Anakin Skywalker turned into Darth Vader." Although 250 words might be be too unfair. George Lucas had three movies in which to do it and he failed miserably.

If you'd like more info on these scholarships, check out the following websites:

Image Links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


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In case of Zombie Apocalypse I just want to have A Sniper with unlimited ammo, and my Girlfriend. LOL!

Two excellent choices!

Here's another one:

The Tall Clubs International Foundation, inc. is a separate IRS 501(C)3 status non-profit organization created to benefit the interests of tall people. Currently, the focus is on funding scholarships for students under 21 years of age, about to attend their first year of higher education, and who meet the height requirements of TCI— 5' 10" (178 cm) for women, and 6' 2" (188 cm) for men. Annually, TCI Foundation awards mulitple student scholarship(s) of up to $1000 each.

That's awesome! I love all of this interesting ones.

Really neat and informative post, thanks for sharing, definitely did not know all these programs existed.

I forgot about that guy. Free money! Wow! Thanks for reminding me!

best mtg card is platinum angel

fight me

It seems like that one is going for $80 right now... I better tell my son to start saving his allowance.

Ah, then if you are not following @jacobtothe it's time to. All the MTG players on Steemit make me want to pull my black and white deck out.

I've never used that site how do I buy it?

You can use OpenBazaar the main app from or if you want to do from mobile, there is Bazaar Hound available for Apple, Windows, and of course Android.

If you think that playing well the carillon does not deserve a scholarship, watch this YouTube video:


Oh no I am not saying it doesn't deserve it at all. I was just amazed that it existed! Never even thought of that.

This is AMAZING! And I can believe that they are all real.
I kind of wish these were around when I was in high school looking for ways to fund a college education. :) Food for thought when my grandbabies start arriving. lol

Exactly! I found many more but these were my three favorite. If you've go the money or want some publicity, might as well have some fun. This is about kids after all.

I'd set up a scholarship for the person with the most number of friends. Total number of friends multiplied by $100 will be the value. You'd have to really be friends with them, write an essay talking about each one. Then we'll pick names randomly and call to confirm.
Minimum number of friends for entry level is 250.
Fair enough?

Sure! That would be a lot of essays though. But could be fun.

"If they get to have zombies, I get to have a freaking lightsaber" <---- Gold!!

LOL, if anyone has a lightsaber, it's game over for the undead. Also, what's up with the 250 word limit. Even my context of the story would be twice that long :P

Five things I would bring with me:

  1. The Terminator (listening to him say 'Hasta La Vista' and blowing zombies' heads off will be legendary!
  2. My Guitar (sitting alone, playing some melodious tunes in a post apocalyptic world is cliché, but I'm sure no one would care)
  3. Rick Grimes (a little bit of expertise would be nice)
  4. John Cena (it's useful to have a person whom nobody can see)
  5. Do I even need a 5th after all that?? :P

Yeah that limit seems a bit short. My guess is the judges didn't want to read very much. Excellent choice with the Terminator! If it's a fantasy... might as well go big.

haha yeah, a terminator can't be bitten ;)

It also can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever!

haha, that's from the movie, no? :D

Word for word. ;)

Yeah I was really happy to stumble on that one.

Great meme, no doubt.

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