Jokes of the Day: The Best Two line Jokes

in #funny8 years ago

1)    Women call me ugly until they find out

          how much money I make

          Then, they call me ugly and poor

3)      Want to hear word I made up?


4)     Parallel lines have so much in common

         It's a shame they will never meet


Haha :) good work!

How do you find Will Smith in the snow?

Look for "Fresh Prints." ;)

Funny... Good to be able to make u laugh. Too serious in Steemit and we need humor. Followed already.

hahahahahahah @hanamana - LOLed at the 1st one hahahah

Glad to make u laugh. I am following u. Follow me for more jokes every day.

Por eso pienso que steemit se ira a la mierda... Un post con ésta porquería Vale mas que los buenos post, que no han ganado ni un centavo. En mi ultimo post que aporta algo a la comunidad tiene 77 upvote y solo 0.33 centavos. Una locura.. Las Ballenas que mantienen el monopolio del poder aquí le gustan los chistes malos!

Sorry, I don't read spanish totally so, not sure what you are saying. Translate to English?

So I think that steemit will go to hell ... A post with this crap is worth a good post, who have not won a penny. In my last post that brings something to the community has 77 upvote and only 0.33 cents. Crazy .. The Whales have a monopoly of power here likes bad jokes!

I agree with you. I am realizing that you make more when whales vote for your content. I got one whale voted on my joke and got $50 increase just like that...Go lucky twice on my jokes... the rest of the content go pennies. I feel your pain.

@carloz-cabeza - which post are you talking about the amazon? How about posting a verification post first. It'll encourage people to visit your wall more.

Whales have a monopoly of power here likes bad jokes!

Your rep is on 50 you don't know what you're talking about. Level up your rep and you'll see more. Be happy and thankful with 0 .33 cents and you'll get more. If you do - and I suggest you make it soon, buzz me. People would like to see who authored what they're reading. I saw your articles, yes, some you could pick up something - but like I wrote up there. People would like to see who authored what they're reading here. It doesn't matter whether your ugly or good looking - just hold that freaking paper that says STEEMIT+date+name . That's easier to write than Amazon. Then tag introduceyourself and watch the magic happen.
@carlos-cabeza "The Value we get from posts" - this depends on the readers, we can't say Oh my post gave value - more value than this and that - how do you know? Maybe, the readers here already know the article you posted. Yes, the whales have huge influence on the upvotes but its not just the whales that gives curation rewards.
@hanamana keep writing - your jokes made me laugh - maybe it's luck but maybe that's the value you gave this community. Kings used to pay for jokers as they could not go out in in their kingdom. Laughter is the best medicine and it's for free never belittle a joke. If it brings a positive mood to anyone who's been sitting all day in front of a computer - hell ya! It's worth upvoting for!

Glad you enjoyed my jokes. Have a great day.

@hanamana keep writing and have a great weekend!

Thanks for encouragement. You have a better weekend than me.

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