Itsy Bitsy Spider

in #funny7 years ago

As a homesteader I have constant run ins with weird situations, mice, rats, and bugs. However, I think we all have that one thing that we just have to cross the line at... Mine is spiders. I hate killing anything, even flies and mosquitoes! And while those killings happen without thought, I always feel a tinge of regret after the deed is done. Yeah, even with Spiders...

But, no regret was given after the run in with this spider, while laying in bed...

So here I was just doing some replying to my comments on Steemit, laying in bed, trying not to wiggle too much to bother husband, when all of a sudden there's a flippin' spider just dangling - it's silhouette enlarged by the glow of my iPad - inches from my face!

Note: No, this isn't the spider that dangled at me. But I did find it today just so I could take a pic for this post!

I screamed!! I am not a screamer and I actually screamed! I'm all vulnerable laying bed! I screamed so loud I'm surprised surprised our roommate and his dog didn't come bursting into our bedroom.

So I jump out of bed and start doing the omg spider dance flailing around and making sure it's not on my body!

My husband groggily turns over and says... "what?". No urgency in his tone whatsoever.

"There was a spider dangling in my face!! It had the whole bedroom to dangle wherever it wanted but no! Right between my face and ph... THERE IT IS IT'S GOING UNDER YOU!"

Husband jumps out of bed and karate chops it!! My first thought was of how disgusting it was that this spider is being executed on MY side of the bed... But, of course it bounces off into the somewhere abyss! We're looking for it and suddenly this flying bug dive bombs husband! I gasp and the dog tries snapping at it. We watch it fly around then it lands! Husband clap kills it! Two for two!

So here we all are at nearly midnight standing outside of bed in our skivvies staring at the bed like it betrayed us! Husband grabs a toilet paper and inspects the flying big. It's smaller, red, and wasp-like. He starts walking toward the bathroom...

"FOUND IT! The spider! It's dead but there!" As I crazily point to my side table. Husband groans at me, as he turns around to address the problem.

At this point husband is just not impressed at my freak out. The spider lie, motionless, and curled up as he dramatically cleans up the dead or stunned spider and flushes both bugs down the toilet.

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Blog Series

  • Nature on the Farmstead - These posts will be educational and informative about the nature that happens on my farmstead. Look forward to posts about wild animals, birds, wildflowers and plants, insects, and more!

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Not wearing make up for day 3, I don't like it.

Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!


Wow, you sure know how to tell a story. Thanks for the laugh at your expense. Hearing about the spider dance -- many people do it, but they never admit to it.

LOL.. made my day.

This is a really fantastic comment you've left me! It made me smile and tear up in glee! I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you!!

Excellent! Now we both had a good day.

I'm cool with spiders as we don't have any poisonous ones in the UK. Wasps and hornets bug me more.

How big was the spider?

better to know for sure the spider is dead and not playing hide and seek under the covers :) I myself would have left the room lol thanks for sharing

I really didn't feel like sleeping on the couch. Haha

Another great read. They always get you when you least expect it, also nice temples! hahaha

Awe thanks, man!! I bet your temples are pretty alright. ;)

Steemit does good, Nice park.


I'm happy to let the spiders live in my greenhouse and garden, but not in my bedroom.

Exactly!! No thanks guys!!

poor spider. but i would probably do the same.

Haha right?? It was IN MY FACE MAN.

This was a harrowing but fun read ! Good Times @farmstead !!

Scary times!!! Hahha at least I can laugh at it and allow others to as well!!

Very good story! I'm sure it had to be quite a sight seeing your husband playing Jackie Chan vs. The spider while in his skivvies. Bahaha! Very entertaining post!

I'm glad you think so! Hehe it was pretty entertaining to be there, also. Haha

Lol. These are the things you gotta look back and laugh about. Haha

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