Stuck On An Awkward Moment 😲

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

""In a moment everything can change.""

Thank You @vermillionfox for this fun challenge to write 1 paragraph based on a piece of artwork you do.
A clever and artistic contest allowing for all different types of creativity.

So heres the picture courtesy of @vermillionfox from her POST


My Story...

Andrew stood there transfixed, nervous, excited, but prepared as Jazmine, the female shop assistant he admired, noticed him and started walking his way. He noticed a slight smirk on her lips, giving him confidence. Jazmine was excited when she recognized her recent regular, her anticipation grew noticing this time, he was by himself and not with his boisterous friends. This added to her anticipation of what he may want? If her instincts were right, and they usually were, she will be having a future date by the end of this sweet interaction. “Oh boy”, Andrew thought, “just be cool” as he habitually took a quick moment to prep himself like a prize exotic bird preening before a courting dance. Just a quick squeeze of his new hair tonic, advertised to entice and hypnotize your heart’s desire. Then a light brushing of it through the hair and then he’d be all prepped for today’s mission of the heart. “OH NO”, a sudden jolt as everything stopped, time expanded as Andrew’s senses went on high alert. Quickly his brain analyzing everything “WTF” “What’s Happening” “Oh NO I’ve been got”!!! The awkward moment, Andrew quickly realized his fate, one of his friends had put Super Glue in his new prized hair cream. It’s payback for sure. Their phrase “It’s how we roll” was not so comforting now being on the recipient’s side of a friend’s gag. Andrew knew he deserved it, pay back for any one of this month’s, just in good fun, pranks. Maybe it was Dave getting payback for entering him in the Miss Fortunate pageant as an equal opportunity entrant, or Darryl for the jalapeno Hotdog or Malcom’s fake alligator in his parent’s hot tub. That one certainly created some repercussions. A fleeting chuckle escaped as Andrews mind flashed his latest humorous successes. But no time to be entertained with that now, for here comes Jazmine, a heart enticing, sweet smiling, goddess, she’s only moments away and Andrew has one hand glued to the back of his head and the other seriously stuck to the lining of his jackets pocket. He started to feel the flush in his face, knowing he was growing redder by the moment, an unwilling embarrassment revealing itself. In the briefest of moments, he will discover how accepting to his kind of “fun-loving”, his new heartthrob is. Maybe she will think it’s cool, it’s funny. He took a small swallow and with his hands stuck in an awkward position, prepped for that tough first word, “HI” or “hello” then OH NO! Double jeopardy!!! Out of the corner of his eye he caught the sight of his friends, holding back laughter, hiding behind the merchandise, delight of a well laid out plan all over their faces, cell phone in hand, and streaming his embarrassing moment….



I thought I had lost my wallet. I searched everywhere, finally I found it in the washing machine. Now I'm concerned I could get charged for money laundering!!!


Big thanks to @scuzzy for his Freebies to help Steemians. Like my colored bars above.


You are a goofball, and I love it! So cute that you end every post with a bad joke!! LOL!

Jokes make the world go round, its the lightheartedness that counters serious situations and their gravity 😉

Upvoted from the whaleshares show!

Thank You @crystalpacheco30 😀
Greatly appreciated 😃

Reading your blog makes me even more of a happysmileyman 😊

YAY @happysmileyman that is one of my primary intentions *Making People Smile. 😃
Thank you for taking the time to read the post and share. 🤗

Beautiful art work.. Weldone

Thank you, the artwork is done by @vermillionfox I just did the story. I hope you got some entertainment from it as well 😉

@johndoer123 featured your post in their Entry to the Pay It Forward Curation Contest.

YaY CooL, I worked it out 😉
Thank You.

Awesome. I'm not sure what that means LOL but it certainly sounds good 😃.
I'll definitely look more into it. I am a fan of the movie and the concept 😁

I was so sorry when that ended I wanted to read more.
I was sent by @johndoer123 to spread the #payitforward love
Now following that last post looks good to but I am out of reading time :(

Hey thank you for enjoying my story. I appreciate you dropping by and checking it out

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