
Hi etherpunk,

Thank your post in the #comedyopenmic tag.
Please note that this isn't a generic tag but rather it's a tag for our contest
If you'd like to participate you can click here to read the contest rules.

I would like to draw your attention to the rule asking contestants to include "Comedy Open Mic Round #" in the title.
We are currently on round 31

Please update your title and we will pass your entry along to the judges for judgement*.

*Judges that pass judgement only judge as far as judgement is concerned.

Why not A+Live ? :)) it took me a while to figure out the meme.

This post was more beautiful than a cold play song

so much disappointment never saw that coming from dlive

Their reason seems fair to me(Some huge accounts curating and upvoting their own content eventhough it is not worth because of which dtube is not able to reward genuine artists.)

But shifting to Lino BC?...why???
What is Lino BC. Even people don't know.I never heard of it. They should have given some time before shifting so that people can get to know whats going on and why. But I understood that now video live streaming and posting becomes easier and faster with this.

Hahahah...good one..

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely big disappointed coz Dlive moving away from Steem...

Sad to say that dlive leave form steem. surprising to dlivers.

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