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RE: My Road to Steemfest Cut Short: Why I Will Not Be Attending Steemfest Now

in #funny6 years ago

Sounds like one heck of accomplice of debauchee right there.

Since you won’t be going to Poland can I borrow your guy? I have some chickens that need to be transported. I'm sure his wife will be fine with this. I have a feeling he will be needing some fresh air and she could use the time away from him.


They first need to be “liberated” from this ship. You can see them sunbathing right here. Clearly the owner is a real monster and they don’t realize just how bad it is for them to be in the sun like that. Don’t worry your guy won’t need any bolt cutters.

They never lock these ships up in the first place. Who knows why? Your guy will be perfect for this. He just needs to take the ship and drive it a few ports over to my hideout.

What could go wrong there are no stop signs for him to hit! If he loses a chicken or two that fine. All that matter is that gold one in the middle. I think it will lay golden eggs which will fund more debauchee!


I don't think he does livestock anymore. He said something about a hamster and then "never again."

I didn't know talking cats could be pirates. I think you've been into the catnip again though. I'm certain Jared would hit every rock in existence and that think would be a bottom faster than the Titanic.

That's what the pointy part on front of the ship is for onboarding and ramming! I have a feeling Jared would try and snort them rocks so really they won't be an issue.

Oh yes us cats are pirates of the sea and outer space---Mearrrr!

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