
Thank you! I really appreciate your input and am glad you enjoy it.
Thanks for the resteem! Here, I was talking about 'fake news' before it was cool!

Haha! It's great finding out we're not alone in our observations. I watched the movie They Live a couple of years ago when I began to notice that certain movies appeared to be what my husband now refers to as "Notice on the people". If they made the movie now there would be A.I. in place of aliens. I completely freaked out a very close friend of mine recently. He recommended the show WestWorld (Anthony Hopkins, very intriguing) and after the first few episodes I told him to read Genesis and see if he found any correlations between Lord God and Dr. Robert Ford. We both grew up in strong 'Christian' homes, and while he quit church he did not quit the doctrine. Fear of hell unfortunately continues to hang on him like chains. Needless to say I think he stopped watching the show.

They Live is awesome. I want to make a meme of the 'lady' in the grocery store, who says into her wrist communicator; "I've got one that can SEE." It would be my go-to image whenever somebody on the internet had their sunglasses on.
I've never seen West world, not even the old Yul Brynner version, but the title comes up in conspiracy circles now and then

That would be an awesome meme. I haven't seen the old version of West World either, but I recommend the new one. If you don't have cable -(I don't, I only recently caved and got a flat screen, basically so we could watch Home Alone and The Polar Express on something larger than our computer monitors, haha!) there's a great site on the net that so far has not caused any virus issues and I've been using it for three months- It offers a variety of links to watch episodes, I generally go with likeafool or lolzor. And if I can recommend one more show it would be Da Vinci's Demons. "Some say time is a river, what they don't know is that the river is a circle" that scene sticks with me.

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