
Hey! You remember that one? That was awhile back. True story too!

Mathy stuff? I suck. Memory stuff? I'm awesome. Especially if it concerns anyone or anything that matters to me in some way, my brain is like a hard drive storage for that shit, lol. I think a good memory plays a big part in writing novels also.

My memory still works well enough. I could do without some of thoughts that pop up from time to time though. I'm sure many can relate to that.

I started writing a novel once, long ago. My memory failed me though. I ended up losing everything. Stupid hard drives... I try to keep backups now.

You know, you could turn This Man posts into a book. I think that could be huge!

This Man is probably one of the most promising characters I've ever created. I'm still trying to figure him out though. A comic or animated series would work too. I've been thinking about that since his birth.

Funny, because his birth is about the time that I met you...I wrote a comment on one of your earliest This Man's that you described as being one of the strangest replies you'd ever received...than of course This Man approved, LOL.

Going that far back to remember who said what, when and why is pushing the limits of my memory. I make up for it by simply being honest. That way I never have to remember what I said, which is probably what makes me forget in the first place....

If you can't remember, than how would you know if you were always simply honest? Riddle me that lol. I find most people have selective memories in varying degrees, some much more than others.
Having a memory like mine, is a blessing and a curse. Let's just say it is a really good thing that I am completely unable to hold a grudge, ha! I am truly grateful for that aspect of my personality, because my long ass accurate memory would be hell if it wasn't my nature to easily forgive and let things go.

Actually though, one aspect of memory I sometimes have trouble with is the short term...stupid shit like walking into the kitchen and having no idea what I went in there to get, standing in the middle of it with what I know is a completely befuddled look on my face. Then I give up, get about halfway back to wherever I was and "Doh!"

(And I can't blame it on getting older, because I have ALWAYS done that, it's more about my head always being, forget the clouds, more like somewhere over the rainbow, lol)

EDIT: I am loving this no nesting thing, makes this so much easier. I didn't realize they were going to include the feature where you have to click to view comments beyond a certain point, but I think that was a good plan. I had this image in my head of certain posts having a daunting bottomless pit, haha!

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