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RE: Medical Examination

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Hey @trafalgar / @traf,

We really need your support big time today.

I know you want Steem to become a great comedy local and we need your support to upvote #ComedyOpenMic To Trending so many big Steemians who have never bother coming over on a regular basis or supporting #funny will see this and support this initiative also.

We're already pledging $200 SBD of our own monies to give out as prizes but need to raise funds to keep this sustainable ongoing and we also need to get the word out.

We will someday get comedy going (comedians from reddit, 3gag, giphy, facebroke, word of mouth alone comedians will start noticing and come over, hopefully we get the non-crypto types...that be the best....especially the Youtube Damn Steem Will BlowUp by $10 alone if we get great comedians in here in 2018 and help us >2 Million users, >Steem $20 (I say we hit $30 if we start getting users on board from other comedy sites), and most importantly get us to critical mass to attract more talents until we hit top 10 crypto!

Please help us upvote this BIG for everyone to see! Think Big, think Long Term, And Support this as Big as you can, Steemit #funny needs your help here and now, Come Show Support For Steemit Funny #ComedyOpenMic



Thanks DJ for your support

I put a decent vote in and I replied to dj, although its better directed to you, please take a look.

thanks traffy, i knew we could count on you!

Come on traffy, help us get to $500, onto the trending page and bring comedy to the forefront of every ones minds.

Good. Now go forth and put in an entry :)

hey everyone,

@acolucky, @dandesign86, @redlipstick, @idikuci, @thevillian, @damira, @bluetower, @steemmatt, @oflyhigh, @htliao, @cheah, @steemnsfw, @b00m, @take5, @hanzappedfirst, @theabsolute, @punchline, @meesterboom, @swenger, @timsaid, @kyriacos, @davinshi, @foles09, @peanutz, @joshua-golbuee, @jedi-won, @acolucky, @steeminator3000, @elmarnis, @theguruasia, @drsinmongwong, @punchline, @steemwizard, @d4ki, @dwainus, @theregularguy, @b00m, @jlufer, @diebitch, @tamaralovelace, @sanmi, @jasonshick, @shencoin, @joshua-golbuu, @

Can you please take a look at this and support this message, we need trafalgar's support and we need all of yours so #funny will grow and you all will grow along with our community

This community is really small, and we need to fight to make it stronger and bigger, and in the process, word will get out to other funny comedians in other sites to come over to Steem so their talent can be rewarded and appreciated.

Please show your support via an upvote (remember: upvote talks bs walks) and joint #comedyopenmic


calling all out new members:@jareen61, @cemke, @wansteem81, @muhamadin, @serkagan, @nafisislam, @funkylove, @maintain4real-eu, @khalidjr11, @kartiksingh, @ilt-yodith, @worldfinances, @goldcoin, @magnata, @bekirsolak, @kouba01, @mahanjonk, @salma-akanda, @zainuddinibrahim, @hakansorucu, @gikitiki, @nilima

I will definetely take a look

really appreciate your support @steeminator3000!

So the competition is do a standup routine and record it?

If I'm honest I'm not sure if it's a format that best lends itself to this platform, as standup without an audience track is a bit weird and getting a spot on stage for this competition is a lot to ask for. Unless @idikuci means more of a funny rant/monologue, then I suppose it could work.

Are the prizes dependent on the upvotes on that post or are they set?

I fear that the barrier to entry to such a competition is a bit high. But I may be wrong so there's no reason not to give it a try I guess.

I threw a decent vote on the post. Hopefully you'll find some interesting entries.

I was thinking more along the lines of simpler competitions with lower barriers to entry like a hashtag game or a 'come up with a funny line for this random gif/picture' game. Maybe in the future.

Thanks For the support I greatly appreciate it.

I would love to see people doing Dtube stand up but it isn't madatory, the posts can be anything. These great posts you do with @traf can be an entry. Anything funny really. The idea for ComedyOpenMic as a tag was it Sounds better (I think) than ComedyOpenPost. Although maybe we change the name next week, still very fluid.

Prizes are set. I don't like the "resteem me/upvote me" and earn a piece of my payout. Just hoping to promote comedy a bit more. I am hoping that the competition can pay for itself but I'm happy to put in my own SBD's if it really can bring people into steem and beef up the profile of #funny it'll be worth it.

I'd love to see an entry from @traf and @trafalgar... We're all kind of jonsing for another @trafalgar post.

I've seen a couple of caption contests but I was thinking to do something more inclusive. allow people to do funny songs, or funny stories or fight with their brother over pizza.



Ahh, I didn't get that impression at all from the description of the competition
It read to me like it had to be at least a sound recording of a stand up routine, if not a video, maybe I misread.

Do show me the winners if I miss them. A reply on the latest traf post like what dj did is by far the best way to reach me. If I like them I'll throw out a small vote.

I get demoralized reading the comments of my longer comedy posts on trafalgar. Most people read the title and answer something in the comments hoping to get a 1% vote. I honestly think about 5-10 people actually read those trafalgar posts, it's just not where internet comedy is heading. People don't have the time to read anything longer than a sentence these days.

Hopefully your competition will do well.

Awesome, I will quote you on that. Seriously appreciate your support with this. If no trafalgar post, a traffy entry would be great. You're the maestro, won't be the same without you.

hear! hear!

Read that again @trafalgar / @traf

You're the maestro, won't be the same without you.

get it?

You're the maestro, won't be the same without you.

one more time

You're the maestro, won't be the same without you.

nuff' said

People don't have the time to read anything longer than a sentence these days.

I disagree. Some of my best stuff was long, people enjoy it, and my comment section lights up, so I put on an after show.

I was certainly impressed with the size of your last post.

I don't know if we're talking dick jokes or being serious right now... :)

Can one truly joke about a dick? personally I find it hard to be in such situations, raises my blood pressure it does, when people use inuendo.

Speaking of dicks, the package has been delivered.

I sent that 10 SBD for prizes, your way, just now.

I am very happy to hear that this will be more of a cornucopia of comedy. We just don't have a large enough funny community to have a narrow focus. I too think the platform is currently best suited for quick images and jokes but I will support anything funny. It would be cool to get a ton of funny videos, songs, standup, one liners, memes gifs, and hashtags.

I like the way you phrased it as requiring a "low barrier to entry". That is the key. We need to provide an easy way for people to get involved. For some people quick one liners are tough but a funny song is easy.

This is letting everyone choose their own method to make people laugh.

Absolutely! @coruscate is planning on creating a spoof song for the comp. I can't wait, I'm a little excited to see it. it's going to be some much fun!!!

I want to be very clear that not only do I plan on reading every word of every long post you make, I plan on responding with a positive review dripping with so much unnecessary purple prose, people won’t be sure if Steemit had forgot to renew its domain name resulting in some middle-management Time Editor quickly snatching it up so he could fulfill his dream of building a competitor to the Thesaurus.

You see the level of dullness, overwriting, and comedic mis-timing I just did there?

That is going to be on EVERY long-form comedy post you make from now on.

When people start reading my comments on your posts, their minds will snap them strait into a State approximating a heroin nod, except instead of Euphoria, the nothingness is accompanied by the same feeling you get when you stub your little toe on the coffee table for the third time in an hour.

Your copy, which is already great, will read, in comparison to my comment, like it was authored by Zombie Mitch Hedberg on crack (which is really just Zombie Mitch Hedberg on heroin, on crack).

Continue the long-form!!!

Absolutely. I just love the long @trafalgar posts. It really is a shame he doesn't feel people read them.

yeah i for one would definitely upvote food fights, even without bikinis

I'd have to insist on the bikini. Will be so much better.

oh thanks itchy, i can always count on you to challenge me to be slutty

definitely jonsing here for @trafalgar ;)

good thinking itchy, I'll talk to @steembirds to do a comedy song for #comedyopenmic

don't worry itchy, if we call it #comedyopenmic it will still work even if it's more like #comedyfreestyle,potaytoe - potaatoe, everyone in the community will help build a brand around it!

can anyone tell me.. how to get upvote from traf??

think of something funny reply to the subject of the post, find a funny picture to go with it, and put in a punchline (a funny sentence to describe your 'something funny')

you won't get an upvote if you don't upvote the original poster, i answered your question and you upvoted yourself 100%......great his is a tip for you....a downvote tip!

5% - @idikuci, @steemmatt, @dandesign86

so i have to give upvote to this three??

no you don't, just the original poster - OP

and upvote all and others who help you become a better Steemian

i don't have to respond to you, and i don't have to help you learn, but i choose to

it cost me time and money to reply and downvote you so you learn your lesson

remember than when you earn & have success, go support others and also upvote them not just yourself, it's way-way more profitable, trust me here, self-upvoting is a fools game when you have very little Steem

and stop upvoting yourself 100% in traf, do 10-25% is enough, if it's funny you will get traf's attention and others will upvote you too and more important follow you


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