Signs You're on Steemit: Getting Addicted & Positive Changes

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

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Here are some signs that you're really addicted to Steemit when you're on a different social media site(may not be applicable to everyone and on some cases may be much more severe for someone):

You wait for 3 seconds before you like, fave, or heart something after liking/faving/hearting something recently.

"Don't want to get that pesky error message, I should wait 3 seconds. Hm, wait... There's no... I'd still wait just to be safe."

You wait some time before you comment again then you realize Facebook doesn't have any 20 second limits.

"That 20 second wait is really long. I'd try it now. Wow! It worked and it was just 18 seconds! Your timer suck website!"

You add @ when going to someone's URL but then it doesn't work.

Ever tried going to or and

You talk to someone in the comments more often cause you forgot there's a messenger in most social media sites.

"Good talk, wait, this isn't Discord??"

You accidentally ask for an upvote.

"Hey can you upvote me? I mean, resteem. Uhm, what's that called again here?"

You wonder if you can remove the likes on some annoying person's post.

"This post doesn't deserve much likes, it's a scam! Give it a flag!"

You look for $$s on other sites:

"WTF! Where's my $$$???!!" Oh wait... Lol, it's the 7th day. Oh that's not here.

You become a noble man when writing a post because there are no shitposts allowed.

You: I have done my best here, this should take me to the moon.
Me: Dude, the rocket you wish to ride is on another website.
You: Oh? Really? They won't pay me for my Phenomenal article???

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Kidding aside, there are tons of positive results to being a Steemian.

You become more aware of what you post and remain a bit more positive than before. No more ranting a lot on other social media sites because you're now a much nicer human being due to Steemit. Nice people stay longer than those egoistic & controlling people, they also tend to succeed much faster and gain a more organic following and support.

You also become more patient due to all the wait time for doing a certain action in Steemit. And also more honest than usual because Steemit teaches us to be transparent.

You become selfless and more charitable, your way of giving is now much better and true to your heart because Steemit rewards good-hearted people more than selfish ones.

You are more sociable and approachable to strangers. Kinder as well. You also become a better judge of character.

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Those are some positive effects of being addicted to Steemit, do you have anything to add? Write it down in the comments section below! Cheers!

Maraming Salamat!

Thank you so much!






There is a fine line between posting a positive, thoughtful, and valuable comment and blowing smoke up a users ass.

We want the money, but we also don't want to come off as cheap and phony.

Lol..most of those apply to me😂😂. A always feel like giving some people money when i find they wrote something interesting on facebook.

Great post! Steemit is a way better social media platform to express ourselves! And the blog format keeps us mindful of what we say and post 😁. Giving a full upvote and follow too 😁

I conpletely agree with this. Steemit is really the solution of socila media toxicity and the answer to poverty in the philippines haha

And with steemit we get to educate instead of spread fake news! Hahahaha

Havent bewn in stewmit that long but I can see where im heading lol. Steemit is part of my daily routine already.

I completely agree with the last parts. It taught me that kindness can get you a long way here. This is perfectly the reason why people should exercise awareness of their thoughts especially in social media. Steemit is literally the answer to the toxicity of social media.

Thanks for theses insights. I was the one who accdentally wronged you in the groupchat lol. Ill be more careful nxt time.

Your posts are great by the way. I aspire to have an account more like yours one day. Best of luck!

the first statement clearly is talking about me @deveerie. and yes, thank you for the insights that you provided! i really appreciate them.

You're welcome! :) Glad you were able to relate.

May flinag (flagged) ka naba, Dev? Hahaha!

Yes, a lot - it doesn't work though lol.

hehe true i leave candy crush for steemit 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

This is like a Steemit Buzzfeed article. I. Love. It. I find myself often really counting the minutes I spend on Facebook because damnit I don't get paid to do anything on Facebook. Why should the Zuck get my valuable time for free. Ain't nobody got time for that!

:D I should make more - maybe create a BuzzFeed account @buzzsteem or steemzfeed :D Although I won't be able to manage it.

Yes, better spend time in places like these. There should a lot more places once SMTs gets launched.

interesting post..sign to achieve in all parts of your post. this can add my insights and other steemit users ...
I like ..
thank you for posting.

When I notice the ••• menu in the top right of FaceBook posts, I immediately think the post got flagged a bunch 🤔

The report function in facebook doesn't do much really.

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