TRUTH OR DARE #212 - Have you ever Hitch Hiked a Ride?

in #funny6 years ago

TRUTH OR DARE #212 - Have you ever Hitch Hiked a Ride?


Hi Everyone welcome to TRUTH OR DARE. ? Please Enjoy play and leave a reply!

Hitch hiking may still be a last resort but sometimes the only resort i actually found myself hitch hiking after my car broke down on the highway while i was in cottage country these things happen when your not paying attention to your vehicles maintenance.
When or if these occasions happen your actually at the mercy of other drivers or maybe an Uber these days since everyone has to ask what are you doing which understandable specially if it's the middle of the night gets pretty dark out there but i guess i was lucky and made some new friends but I've heard some horror stories so i think you have to be careful for a lot of different reasons safety being the first one but in times of need you might have to take a risk to get out of a bad situation.

TRUTH OR DARE QUESTION # 210 - Have you ever Hitch Hiked a Ride?


DARE: Post a picture of your ride! :)


P.s. Scratch my back and i'll love you back !:)
You're the best!little_dog.gif

Thank you @darsico




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Quite a few times , more as a kid since in that youth "movement" those things where they blindfold you and drop you off somewhere in a forest to find your way back (well it wasnt the re-born christians) often was a bit more than a mile or then heh.
The last time i did was actually not a hitch, i missed my last train after work (the holy institution to keep the state well-fed) and as only resort i saw i was walking home along the highway, about 25-30km ... after a shift that ended at 9pm (they really , really know how to keep you going on this "just a few more weeks and youll be working from home" dopamine promise dont they)
Probably nearly got killed a few times as there net really a lane for pedestrians and saved by one dude in HOURS who had the heart to pull over and pick me up, dropped me off right at my door, so despite what Synovate pulled on me i was left with the knowledge that there was one good person in the world left.

All sounds, i know how it all sounds but its not a story

its my life :)

pobably hard to imagine me in a callcenter being smiley and postive all day and yea

i have a hard time imagining that will ever happen again too heh heh

owh ... picture of "my ride"


that's after xzibit came over to pimp it into a trike

Thanks for another out of this world TRUTH OR DARE! You made my day! I have never Hitch Hiked a Ride. Thank God for cell phones. In America we have good ole AAA. Do you have something similar in Canada? So very true regarding in times of need you might have to take a risk to get out of a bad situation. I absolutely loved the post and video my Friend! If my Cryptos don't start taking off, I may have to Hitch Hike my way to Canada LOL! :) Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

yeah hitch hikers out in the country side are different from the ones in town they're hitch hiking but it dosen't look they they want to go anywhere in particular.

VERY true my Friend regarding hitch hikers. I wanted to stop by and wish you a VERY blessed week. I hope all is well! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Truth! Oh yes, we've hitch hiked a good couple of times, had some weird experiences, and heard about people having some crazy scenarios happening to them too. It's a gamble, you never know who's going to be behind the wheel but one thing's for sure.. you'll have a story out of that experience..of course having seen a bunch of horror movies including the hitcher, the mind tends to wonder when you hop in that car...Your dare is interesting tough, idk if you can find anyone who has a picture of themselves hitch hiking... ;)

Yes, I have! Last summer I went to a beach with my daughter that was far away from the road, at the end of the day we were very tired and didn't want to walk but we had no choice, so we started walking but we got lost, when I asked someone for directions they offered to take us. We jumped on the back of the pick up and they took us to the city. It was my first hitch hiking.

That's wonderful

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oh yes....Actually the first time I was 7... decided to hitchhike with my friend to go buy some candies tot he store that was far away...This man took us and drove us straight back home... My parents could not believe it and were horrified...I got well grounded.. lol....well I had a sweet tooth what can I say lol...scary what kids can do though...This could have ended badly...

I've hitch hiked in the past when there was no other way to get where I was going. I'm lucky that all the rides were good. I don't recommend it as it seems there are more crazy people out there now a days.

I've picked up hitch hikers many times. Be careful who you pick up. Almost everyone I've given rides to have been very nice decent people. But I have given rides to a few very strange characters that I felt would try something evil if thought they could get away with it. If you do give a ride to a stranger, have them ride in the front seat where you can keep an eye on them.

Whenever you catch a ride with a stranger or give a ride, remember that if anything bad happens, it's your word against their word. Sometimes police believe the bad guy/gal.

There was a guy offering to rode but I didnt.
My mind was negative.

Yes, couple of times

I love those games. Thumbs up

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