TRUTH OR DARE #191 - Do You Ever Get Itchy Feet? - UPVOTE Giveaway 0.010 SBDs HAVE FUN an get PAID :)!!

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

TRUTH OR DARE #191 - Do You Ever Get Itchy Feet? - UPVOTE Giveaway 0.010 SBDs HAVE FUN an get PAID :)!!


Open to anyone Who is ((( FOLLOWING ME (UPVOTE + REPLY to the Question))) .

The (FIRST 20 VOTES+REPLY WILL RECEIVE 0.010 SBD UPVOTE), have fun and make a little coin every time you (Upvote + Reply).

Hi Everyone welcome to TRUTH OR DARE. Okay this question is a good one my Dad would always say when you get itchy feet means you are going traveling. Well growing up all over the country i lived in four different provinces played in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans passed thought the Canadian Rocky mountains two times went to 11 different schools all this before finishing grade school. So traveling is actually second nature to me. I love traveling and going places as they say it's not so much the arrival or destination it's all in the way there, all the fun is in the trip or getting there to where your going.These days a trip across the country takes about 5 hours maybe more by airplane or roughly 5 days by train or car but who can travel that far by car without stopping at some of the most breath taking scenery in the world.

Starting in the city of Vancouver as your leaving you might look back to see the ocean shoreline as you climb the foothills of the rocky mountains once you are up on the mountains could or i felt i could see a thousand miles from the top of the world all the way across Alberta right through to the next province of Saskatchewan just a must see wonder of nature. After the first day as you approach the prairie provinces the land just flattens out for a far and wide as the eye can see just grassland not a tree to be seen for miles and miles as you pass though Canada's food basket. you will know when your approaching eastern portion of Canada when you start to see trees and lots of trees so many in fact that you might not know where you are until the train pulls into a station to drop off and pick up more people and goods.

If you are lucky enough to see the any part of the great lakes the largest body of fresh water in the world. Lake Superior one of the largest which has it's own enchanting history and majestic view specially from some of the mountainous regions surroundings is a very beautiful and almost an ocean. Passing though Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick is also very much the of same beautiful scenic journey of rolling hills and valleys but once you get to the other Ocean you will know your there just by the smell of the Ocean in the breeze where you will experience even more of natures wonders, anyways all this talk of travel gives me an extra reason to want to get away from my own everyday monotony maybe i have itchy feet LOL:)) So how about you Do You Ever Get Itchy Feet? Please Enjoy play and leave a reply!

# UPVOTE + REPLY # to this Question to get PAID:

TRUTH OR DARE QUESTION # 191 - Do You Ever Get Itchy Feet?


DARE: Tell us when your body itches do you scratch? :)


P.s. Scratch my back and i'll love you back !:)
You're the best!little_dog.gif

Thank you @darsico




Hey @darsico! I missed you buddy! Once in a blue, I get itchy feet. You most definitely traveled much more than me. Thank you for sharing your story. I would absolutely love to see the Canadian Rocky Mountains. I also love to travel. I love nature and adventures. I am definitely an outdoors type of guy. Visiting Canada is definitely on my bucket list! Such a Beautiful and Amazing Country. I hope that my feet start to each ASAP LOL! :) The Monkey and Bear video are hilarious! The I want feet video, well, no comment LOL! :) Dogs are the best! I don't know who is enjoying that more LOL! :) Thanks Again for everything @darsico and another out of this world TRUTH OR DARE! I'm VERY proudly resteeming, commenting, upvoting and following! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

yeah i know but it's so emotionally moving couldn't resist i knew a woman who trained her dog to do that. Never petted her dog again after that for fear of being licked right? oh yeah remember that european girl would scratch i would tell her to wash so funny:))


HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can ALWAYS count on @darsico for entertainment and laughs! I'm REALLY looking forward to your next TRUTH OR DARE! I hope that your having a GREAT weekend my Friend! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

I'll take the Dare:

Yes I scratch. Hell, if nobody is around I got to town with it. Itchy feet is different for me. When I get them, I pretty much wear my chairs leg out by constantly rubbing on it.
Nooooooooo....... I played both truth and dare again ;D

My Itchy feet are caused by a bite of mosquitoes, or althelet foot. ☺
I do love traveling but not yet travel outside the country. I just travel inside my country, my country has 13 states and 3 federal territories. Wish in the future I was able to travel outside my country ... 😅

I constantly get itchy feet! It's been so long since I've travelled anywhere overseas.

But thankfully I get to scratch that itch soon with a trip to Mexico later this year!! I get to spend the New Year in Mexico partying it up with some lovely ladies.

I am so freaking excited about this holiday. I've been planning it for ages and will hopefully make some good money in crypto to use as spending money in the coming months.

Oh and on the weekend, I took some pre-workout before a training session and it gave me an itchy face... I have no idea what was in that stuff... it felt like it was on crack for a couple of hours... how is that stuff legal??

slightly disturbing although foot-fetish might do it lol

symbiosis is how it works

not hippie-love, right ?

please pass my share only to those who don't have one yet

it's the itchy foot dance because you can't scratch

Itchy feet-sometimes, but dancing feet and wondering eyes- all the times

I do have itches feet once. It take me outside the country where i get promoted in my work. But i not really believe in itches feet actually haha but yeah, it's true sometimes! 😁

it's a saying we have here:)

Yes, I’ll definitely scratch it! And it’s so wonderful it I able to scratch on it 😆 But if it’s still itchy, try to apply some lotion or ointment on it, it’s help 😊

Lol, that freaky dog! So no, my feet are never itching but: Sometimes at night when I lay down, it feels like I have to move my feet, not my legs. If you don't move them feet, you feel like they explode so you keep moving until it stops. Used to have it more often as a kid,maybe some of you know that too?
And btw, of course I scratch myself... just not on any spot in public, you know?! :D

I ever heard about itchy feet means you are going traveling...but I'm not too sure whether it is true or not...but I like to travel, though..I travel few places around asia. I do scratch if my body itchy, I can't tolerate it haha...

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