
Well at least they are aware tat there is or has been an issue and are working to resolve it. Once that is done - we won't have to suffer unreasonable bandwidth limit issues for a while. :c)

oh yeah...they are aware...all a lot over my head you finished the challenge right?

I think that I did. :cP And now I'm looking forward to a low-rate of comments existence. ;cP I've grown used to writing one-liners like this one. :c(

you should probably check that...I gave @merej99 a heads up just now...see if you can't connect with her because well last I looked you weren't finished at some point need 50ish more comments. I got over the line...finally and just want to make sure you're not one of the wanderers who just aren't sure.

Good luck...I earned this crash ;)

update...Meredith just confirmed you finished this afternoon @pathforger
I can rest easy now ;)

Enjoy your day!

Oh. Thank you very much for your support @cryptologyx! :c) Enjoy your day also.

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