Why YOU Should Learn Plumbing!

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

This is a parody of the article Why YOU Should Learn to Code by @sirwinchester.

We live in a world that's dominated by water.

Humans are always striving to make things easier - faster, better, with less effort.

Water makes up about 71% of Earth's surface, and humans are dependent on it for survival. Plumbing is the key to sanitation and allows humans settlements to live away from fresh water sources.

Most people even know that this is true, but say to themselves that it's too difficult to learn, or that they don't have the time.

And yes, it might be difficult for some people to learn plumbing - but it's worth it. Not like some other things you spend time with.

If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber. - Albert Einstein

Plumbing has a future - no, it is the future.

So you're better off spending your time learning plumbing, instead of studying for a job that will be outworn within the next few decades.

When choosing a job for the future, it's not only important to think about what you like or where your strengths are. You have to think about the future as well.
Of course I'm not saying go and do something for the rest of your life that will make you unhappy, but we often make it too easy for ourselves.

Like Amy Lynch wrote in her article Hot Job: Future for Plumbers is No Pipe Dream, two big professional advantages that plumbing offers practitioners are steady employment and job security.

Most jobs can be overtaken by machines (and will be), but plumbing needs the human sense of creativity, which no robot could learn.

Everybody talks about wanting safety. But creating safety for yourself can also mean LEARNING something, acquiring a new skill that will be your Airbag in the future.

Acting is not an important job in the scheme of things. Plumbing is. - Spencer Tracey

The effort that you put into learning plumbing is definitely worth it. And there's even an added bonus - when you mastered plumbing system, it's easier to learn other ones as well.

There are plumbing projects for everything - you just have to ask yourself what you're interested in.

No matter what it is - piping systems for bathrooms and radiators, or even gas systems for industrial places such as hospitals and laboratories - there are so many different kinds of plumbing.

A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source. - Arthur Baer

I think Steemit has a great audience for this topic - unlike other social media - because there are already many here who use water on a daily basis.
And Steemit itself is already proof that shows what technology can do and how plumbing can change our lives - so what more proof would you need?

Plumbing can be found in almost every aspect of our lives - the machines that produce our goods, the shower we use to clean ourselves, the tools that save our lives at the hospital and of course the bathrooms we use daily.

All of that would not be possible without plumbing, and there are endless examples.

This Post should get people to think about this topic.

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Omg, this was the best joke of the day, maybe week. I love seeing SteemIt get a personality - beyond little essays. Thank you. Followed.

Thanks. Glad you like it.

I'm very happy that you see the funny side and don't take it personally. :)

I love it, that you laughed. Nice. There is hope.

Funny, but also probably good advice!

Indeed, and in both cases: plumbing is a valuable skill and not everyone should learn something because it's hip.

Amusingly a developer in my department took voluntary redundancy when it was offered a couple of years ago and retrained as..... A plumber!!! Madness!

He'd seen the pipe! Get it? Pipe instead of light!

Oh lord!!! Lol!

definitely a true original!

Except a lot is also kind of plagiarised. 😁 I think this is allowed though.

Haha, funny! There are so many this pattern posts in Steemit

Thank you for posting such funny article :)

You're welcome!

lol :D
This can be the start of a series. "Why you should learn X"

Haha I was reading the post about coding cause I'm interested in it, then I saw your comment. And I have to agree.
Being a plumber is a good idea.
I know, 'cause I am one, now I'm gonna try learning how to code.
I guess nothing can go wrong for me in the future.
Thanks for the laughs

Hello I have a question.
I upvoted your post, but the strangest thing happened. You had $100,... but after I clicked the upvote arrow it went to $ 99,72. I find that very strange. How is it that the amount was going down, that was not what I wanted.

dI did look up how to upvote and I found this.

quote;//Upvoting posts is done through the little up arrow icon next to the worth of the post. It will turn blue when you upvote something.//

I did exactly that and it turned blue.
So now I hope someone can explain to me why the amount went down, if it was because I upvoted, and how to correct it.

the amount you see there is based on a projected voting power of everyone who has voted on the post, because voting power is a commodity that builds over and depletes over a 24 hour period that projection will sometimes vary (if a bunch of people who have voted on this go and upvote other things in the meantime) thus depleting their voting power and decreasing the reward to everyone of their votes.

O.K. Thank you for the explanation.

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