
So good to see fundraising and charity projects here on steemit, there is more blessing in giving than in receving my father ones said.

#myfavouritescubadiver 😁

Hi @raj808

This post was upvoted by @Fundition because you took part at our Heart Contest.

#oneheart tag shows who are the ones who are spreading the hearts all over, lets see more hearts around and spread the love with Fundition.

Thank you for spreading the Hearts all over. The Contest lasts until the end of August.

Note: Rules were updated, we call you to have one more entry with new rules.

Join a community with heart based giving at its core

Thanks @funditian I took a look at the updated rules and was wondering if it is necessary for me to make a new photo with the written message? I suppose the board I'm holding doesn't have my username on it so I can see where you guys are coming from.

Maybe if I take a new selfie with me holding the board with some updated text on it with my username and written on it and post that photo at the bottom of this post would that be ok? I am one of those people who doesn't like re-posting similar content on my blog. Cheers for the vote and your visit/comment :-)

Hi one more time @raj808,

Everything is up to you dear, good luck!
Fundition Team.

Great project, I hope you get the rewards and fund needed!

love it!! love your tomato-y and companion plant! heart!

For me, attempting to grow a good portion of my food is all about buying as little from the supermarkets as possible.

couldn't agree more... .and also the freshness can't be beat! happy to be working with you on this project and thankful for fundition!

Yeah, I must admit the taste of fresh tomatoes from the vine is what got me hooked on veg growing long before I was as active in trying to pursue gardening as a path toward partial sustainability.

I love the fact that I only ever buy veg from the super market during the winter months and even then it's only lettuce and tomatoes that I buy. Oh yeah, and sweet potatoes as they're hard to grow in UK, even in the summer.

Thanks for checking out the post @mountainjewel, I shall be keeping an eye out for your fundition heart! ;-)

What an amazing initiative! Good luck with your entry :) from your @steemitbloggers family

Thanks @sweetpea. Yeah, we have been extremely lucky to find funding/support from fundition for Project Giving.

Ha ha, this project is why I have been so busy these past few months and unable to be as active chatting in the discord room etc. Hopefully I will have more time for socializing soon :-( #steemitbloggers for life ;-)

Great initiative

Thanks @for91days. It has been a lot of work setting up @projectgiving but worthwhile in the end. Without the support of fundition it wouldn't have been half as big a success at launch.

A wonderful heart, it seems to be alive)) Movements to purify nature are very commendable, but not everyone understands their importance and continues to pursue material goods. And it's very sad.

Yes, sad is the right word @amalinavia. I agree with with what you say about lack of understanding. It just takes awareness and being mindful about doing as much as possible within a persons situation. For example, I can't be fully self sustaining living in a city, it's just not possible but I do as much as I can given time constraints/work etc. If everyone in the world took the time and mental energy to do as much as they can based on their lifestyle/location it would have a massive impact.

Check out @projectgiving account for more info on what we're doing. There should be another project fundraising blog published within the next 10 days. This next one is an environmental initiative which is focused on funding the planting of a forest :-)

P.s. thank you for supporting me personally with your vote and comment. I really appreciate it.

The other side of you... niceeee
I am totally with you on cutting down on the use of plastic if not at all
Just the other night, my friends and I were talking about this, taking a vow to say no to straws . And all that small plastic bags that come with take away.... gahhhhh...
Thank you for sharing @raj808

Love this! I used to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, chilli's, and some other 'easy' to cultivate vegetables when I was a teenager - I remember my Mum having dried chilli's for curry's, and other meals for about three years after only one crop!

This year, I started growing some cherry tomatoes, strawberries, and green cucumbers with my 3 year old son in an effort to get him into horticulture and the benefits of patience, and the joy of eating your own produce. We got a few tomatoes and a couple of strawberries... probably best if I don't send you any images of the plants at the moment!!

We will, however, rebuild and regrow in the spring!

Boom I love this dude! Any form in charity in whatever form deserves more than any attention. I love it that Steemit is capable of providing funding for so much projects that actually make the world a better place


Thanks @karinxxl, I agree. It is an amazing thing that we can all help to improve lives in areas of the world that suffer the curse of poverty with just an upvote. Check out @projectgiving account for more info on what we're doing. There should be another project fundraising blog published within the next 10 days :-)

P.s. thank you for supporting me personally with your vote and comment. I really appreciate it.

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