in #fundition6 years ago (edited)

Hello readers!
Here we have the fifth Fundition Polyglot episode: when I started some weeks ago I did not thought that this could be possible. A lot of users are here in Steemit only for them and they do not like helping and give their time for the others.
Then I discovered some great platforms, in particular @fundition , where I found awesome people, with a lovely behaviour and a beautiful nature. Obviously all of us have their positive and negative sides, but here in we work as a team and in this way we want to show only the best side. We catch the victory all together, because only together it is a real win.

What kind of WIN?

Fundition Polyglot is a great win not only for me, but for the entire @fundition process too!
A small result for a user as me is a huge victory for the platform!

Here below you can find the direct link to the first 4 episodes:

I want to remember to everybody that they can leave their opinions and suggestions, because Fundition needs the users' opinions to grow stronger and bigger. It is a simple question that everybody can answer:

What do you think about Fundition?

During this travel that is Fundition Polyglot we have visited all the world: we started in Venezuela with @joedukeg, then we were in India with @@@jznsamuel and after in Austria with @manncpt.
Where will we be tomorrow? We do not know, because the world is too big to know the next destination, but we are sure that today we are in Croatia with Petra as @zen-art from Croatia and in French with @goyard. She is the Fundition Architect and he is one of the best Customer Supporter on this platform.
Amazing people in Fundition and today they show us their thoughts, because


So this fourth episode speaks
Croatian and French

2 bandiere.png

Croatian Ambassador: @zen-art
Country: Croatia

[HRV] Fundition predstavlja gradnju budućnosti danas. To znači da ne stojimo po strani i gledamo kako život prolazi pored nas, mi kreairamo taj život i preuzimamo odgovornost da bude najbolji što može biti. Svatko je dobrodošao pridružiti nam se i početi živjeti ljubav. Kroz edukacijske, inovativne, artističke ili humanitarne projekte, možete puno učiniti. Kreairati ili podržati? Imamo mjesta za sve.
[ENG]Fundition stands for building the future today. That means that we are not standing by and watching life pass us by, we are creating that life and taking responsibility for making it the best it can be. Everyone is welcome to join us and start living love. Through educational, innovative, artistic or charity projects, you can make a difference. Creator or a supporter? We have room for everyone.

French Ambassador: @goyard
Country: France

[FRA]Il existe aujourd'hui une multitude de plateformes.
Certaines sont généralistes et s'intéressent à toutes les sortes de projets. D'autres sont dédiées à certains types de projets : gaming, sociaux, culturels, environnementaux, innovants, numériques, ect...
La différence aujourd'hui de Fundition c'est tout simplement sont côtés à financement participatif multifonctionnelle qui intègre tout les systèmes actuel des plateformes traditionnel, il a une fonction unique, le soutien financier des projets qui est soumis à un vote dynamique juger par le mérite et le potentiel, les donations sont sans frais. Fundition a vraiment beaucoup de potentiel et il sera un acteur clé dans le domaine du financement participatif pour les prochaines années à venir.
[ENG]There are now a multitude of platforms.
Some are generalists and are interested in all kinds of projects. Others are dedicated to certain types of projects: gaming, social, cultural, environmental, innovative, digital, etc...
The difference today of Fundition is simply its multifunctional participatory funding sides that integrates all the current systems of traditional platforms, it has a unique function, the financial support of projects that is subject to a dynamic vote judged by merit and potential, donations are free of charge. Fundition has a lot of potential and will be a key player in the field of crowdfunding for the coming years.

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Join a community with heart based giving at its core

Posted using Partiko Android


Everything looks absolutely lovely and really adorable. Thanks for putting this together!

Thank you for the support!
You are very gentle😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Good posting. I like the fact that social circles are expanding, this is very important. Thanks you

I agree with you!
Steemit is a special place where we have the opportunity to meet great people and Fundition is oasis in the desert of social Networks.
Thank you to write your opinion😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @moncia90.

Thank you for being a loyal Funditian and helping spread the voice of Fundition all around, we really appreciate your efforts to try and promote Fundition. As a token of our gratitude, please accept this upvote from us. Take care and keep spreading the word about Fundition whenever you can, so, we can grow and help as many people as possible. We wish you all the best.

If you are reading this and you aren’t the author of this post, what are you waiting for, Join Fundition and let’s together make a change, a change that will make this World Better even Amazing!

Fundition is a next-generation, decentralized, peer-to-peer crowdfunding and collaboration platform, built on the Steem blockchain.

Read the full details of Fundition Fund program

Learn more about Fundition by reading our purplepaper


Join a community with heart based giving at its core

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