Happy Lunar New Year 2019 - Year of the Pig

in #fundition5 years ago


Are you born in?

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019… That means you are a PIG

Let this year be an amazing Piggy One!

Because in the oriental culture it is known that pigs have a beautiful personality and are blessed with good fortune.

Crowdfunding and Pigs.

Founders should be like Pigs, they are known to be very realistic, just like the crowdfunding founders should be with their project goals.

Pigs usually talk less and act more. While other animals may all talk and take absolutely no action, Pigs are the complete opposite, which is why by being like Pigs, project Founders may act much more than only talk or promise.

In the contrary with the general belief on Pigs, they are actually had worker, and they will work even harder to reach their goals which we believe Fundition project founders are already doing.

Project founders should be energetic and enthusiastic just like the Pigs. It is said that Pigs aren’t afraid of boring jobs and will do what it needs to be done to reach the highest target.

For Male Project Founders:
You are very optimistic and gentle. You are very focused and once you’ve set a goal nothing can stop you, you’ll put everything into it.

For Female Project Founders:
You are full of excitement, you are treating everybody genuinely and you have an easy-going personality. People trust you easily (Backers) and you trust others easily as well.

What to do as a Backer to celebrate the Lunar New Year?


As a Backer, it is advised to make lots of good deeds on the first day of the year.
Don’t forget to give lots of Red Envelope as a Lucky Money on this very first day to projects on fundition.io.

From Mimee:
Chúc một năm mới vui vẻ,
12 tháng sức khoẻ,
52 tuần thành công,
365 ngày hạnh phúc,
8.760 giờ tốt lành,
525.600 phút may mắn,
31.536.000 giây như ý.

Happy Lunar New Year

새해 복 많이 받으세요


Chúc Mừng Năm Mới


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Hi there,

I tried to begin a project on your site. After logging in, I started a new project, and when I got to the authorization stage, I logged in through Google+. This worked, but nothing happened, and when I try again the window pops up but disappears again. So I turned on "platforms" on FaceBook so I could authorize that way, but got this message:

Application Unavailable: The application you're trying to use is either no longer available or access is restricted.

I don't really use Discord. Is there any other way to get help for the problem? Thanks :)

Hello @drutter! For technical problems you can send an email at [email protected] . Sorry for the inconvenience!

Happy lunar new year to everyone 🙏

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Posted using Partiko Android

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