"Ithaqa" Fundition Update #76 - Happy Pre-Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Only ten more pages of Ithaqa Issue 2 to reveal, which means ten posts from now, our @fundition updates will become increasingly whimsical! Maybe we'll bring back the Ithaqa Steemit RPG, maybe Theresa and I will discuss who we would cast if Ithaqa was an HBO show. Who can say!?

I'm perhaps 2/3 of the way through the rough draft of issue 9 at this point, and maybe I can bang these out if I take the Stephen King approach to write which is just write for 3 hours straight and fuck whatever else you got going on in your life, haha.

I wish I wasn't traveling so much this Thanksgiving because it's a great opportunity to just write write write - I'll pack my laptop I guess so I can get some work done!

Buy the comic!

Please check out our Fundition page - you can score exclusive rewards by contributing steem!

Issue 3 Leaderboard:

@Fundition Contribution: $ 293.55 + a $9.99 direct contribution

Council of Five:

@kommienezuspadt - $19.18
@ocdb - $8.13
@smjn - $7.32
@katharsisdrill - $6.48
@Veryspider - $0.17 +$4.50 direct contribution = $4.67
@bryan-imhoff - $4.61

We have currently raised $311.93 towards our goal of $2,000, which puts us at 15.60% of our goal. When we get to 25% of our goal, we will unveil our next prize!

You can read all of "Ithaqa" Issue 1 here on steemit!

If you have any friends or family who might be interested in a Lovecraftian horror comic, please send them to our website to sign up for some free pages! https://www.ithaqacomic.com/contact-us/

Additionally, If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram, as I'm currently uploading pages every day.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ithaqacomic/

Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here: http://www.theresachiechi.com/

Lucas Gattoni's (The Letterer/Logo Designer) website is here: http://bit.ly/LG_Lettering

Sign up to buy the comic on our website: https://www.ithaqacomic.com/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IthaqaComic/about/?ref=page_internal
Twitter: @IthaqaComic


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