What is your favorite Sci-Fi movie? - The Daily Steem Poll [A Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago

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Today's selected author:

Today's question is from me :)
I will be adding my 20% to the 50% that goes to whoever participates in today's discussion.

The Daily Steem Poll Question for the day is:

What is your favorite Sci-Fi movie?

[Image courtesy of Pixabay]


This is too hard. So, I'm going with favorite under-rated/recent scifi movie.

Jupiter Ascending.

I'm totally with you on this. Jupiter Ascending and Psycho-Pass were my biggest disappointments of that year. But still they were leagues ahead of the rest of the releases. IMHO Jupiter Ascending is better than anything MCU has ever released except for Age of Ultron. Very unique and interesting and also takes some really great risks instead of going the easy cliche path (Like making the main character some orphan living alone, Deus Ex Machina, Mary Sue etc.)


I love the TV show Firefly which this is based on too - cowboys in space... horses, bar fights spaceships... what's not to like!

I've heard great things about Firefly but never got around to watching it!

I love that movie too!

!luc besson, yes got to be one of the best for me too, for the " esthetique" and vision of our society in the future far away !!

This was really good. I remember watching this with my Dad when I was young.

I like so many SciFi movies. I would have to go with the "Star Wars" series of movies.
Of the single SciFi movies, I would have to say "Fifth Element".

Good survey question,
Steem on,

1 - Transcendence
2 - Independence Day
3 - Avatar (James Cameron)
Future Question - "What is your favorite song released in the last 10 years?"

There was something about Blade Runner that defined Sci-fi for me. Of course, Star Wars, Star Trek and Matrix series are always pretty killer! :)

I'll have to go with a classic favorite of mine: Iron Giant.

Such a good movie.

Total Recall! I do like The Matrix though. It's kinda hard to pick.

I am going to go with "The Matrix". Its a classic; still very hard to beat :)

The Matrix was great. I'm going to go with Aliens.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

They don't make em like that any more :)

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