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RE: Trying To Heal An Ear Infection With Music - Will It Work?

in #fun6 years ago (edited)

I think you should also reconsider how you write/talk about the issue. On the same tone as the talking to the infection comment, you're a multi faceted being and so when something is this chronic often the different levels are intertwined and re-enforcing eachother. This is potentially why you can see failure trying one remedy at a time even though it worked a treat for someone else. So on the physical level you want to be aiding your body fight off the virus, ginger, nano silver, gold, etc etc. Energetically yes sound/music is one way to re set the vibration, but also, and very important not to miss, is the psychological subconscious programming that is formed around this. 'I've had it for 3.5 years, it wont go away, no matter what i do'. Its almost like you need to view your subconscious as an eves dropping child. We're all aware these days of the effect that negative parenting behaviours have on children as these actions programme their software/subconscious which which you/the program needs to run through. Your subconscious is just the same, you can't directly hear it, but it can hear you. You are programming it to not go away no matter what you do, that is what you believe and the subconscious as a child wants to please you and so gives you what you want. It's a lot to get your head around, i haven't fully and am striving to learn more through research and meditation. But i think it's something you're going to need to address to tackle this as it's chronic and not acute, meaning it's programmed, but it can totally be undone. Bruce Lipton has hours of videos and books on this.

But yeah a good way to start out is write out all your thoughts about how you feel about it. eg- it wont go away no matter what i do. Write next to it an alternative sentence. It has not gone away yet because I have not got all the information and understanding i need to help my body rebalance. I will find out this information and It will be healed.

Or another thought might be one of frustration- I just cant take this anymore, why wont it go away i've tried all the best remedies i can find. Change it to, It is causing frustration but i understand now it is serving a purpose, to teach me there is a gap in my understanding, that i am not balanced in something. It's actually trying to help me, so lets work it out etc etc.

Good Luck!!!


'I've had it for 3.5 years, it won't go away, no matter what i do'. << What I meant was, So far, it hasn't gone away no matter what I've done. Good thing you pointed that out, I changed my sentence to better reflect what I was trying to say.

If I truly thought it wouldn't go away- then I would just give up and not try anything new to fix it. So the new sentence is a much more accurate reflection of how I feel.

"You are programming it to not go away no matter what you do, that is what you believe " << Sorry, that is not what I believe, actually. I probably just needed to write better to express my thoughts better. If that's what I believed...I wouldn't try anything or be even open-minded enough to try something as seemingly weird as sound healing.

You're right about that something is unbalanced. And I think the body works as a system and that isolated remedies sometimes don't work because of that. But sometimes they still do.

There's a thing called nutritional balancing which I'm super fascinated by, but it's really hard to follow the program and "re-balance" while on the road, so I only half follow it while traveling.

Someday though...I'm going to do it full-on and just rebalance my whole body.


Apologies I could have worded that better it's just hard to try and explain- regardless of what you believe or what your intention was, just typing that very sentence sends a message to the subconscious if that makes sense. Sorry for the confusion, my aim was to point out that just simple use of words and language correctly can help reinforce your intentions and beliefs rather than working against them :D

it's hard to follow when you have structure and routine too! Ha. All fascinating though! Im so glad to see people like your self and many other willing to trial and error things, to find alternatives! Its brilliant. xxx

Lol I could've worded it better! haha. Thanks for your insights!

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