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RE: What is your worst roommate experience? - The Daily Steem Poll [A Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago

At university I shared a dorm room with a sociopath. No, really. She would steal my clothes and other personal items and then try to tell me I had imagined owning these things, that she had never seen me wear these clothes and use these items (an iPod, clothes iron, toaster oven, a family photo album & scrapbook my mom had spent weeks creating, all disappeared in the first month) and that I was crazy. If my parents called and she picked up the phone (this was way before cell phones were around), she would make up stories about me sleeping in all day and missing classes or being out all night. My parents were so concerned they flew out to see me. We spoke to the admissions department and I was moved out into a single dorm. My parents helped me move and my dad mistakenly went into her closet, not mine, to pack up. There, packed away in a tote, were all of my missing items including my photo album, completed defaced. The roommate walked in as we were discovering this and she went ballistic, hysterical, threatened to sue us for taking "her things." When my dad said he was going to call the police to come in and take a statement, she told us her father was in the mafia and that we were dead meat. In any case, I moved out with my things and she began a smear campaign against me. Eventually she was suspended after making a false rape claim against one of the professors.


Creepy story thanks for sharing.

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