Fun Fictional Character Questions!

in #fun7 years ago

I saw this questionaire about Fictional Characters today. Here are my elaborate answers.

1) Your favourite fictional character:

It has to be Solas, from the Dragon Age Universe. He is such a complex character. He is ancient, an elf, and the reason so much in the world has happened. He is on a desperate journey to right a wrong he did as consequence for seeking justice. In short (spoilers) mages just like him killed a fellow mage and he locked them up in the realm of magic. Doing so created a Veil that separated the world from this realm, called the Fade. And destroyed the elven world that once was. He wants to restore it, but doing so, as things stand right now, will destroy the current world. Yet in the romanced Inquisition story, he is torn between the love he has for the Inquisitor and his mission. He is full of woe, and blinded by his obsession to correct a past mistake. In the next game, we will likely either be able to save him, or destroy him.

2) A character you relate to:

I wrote Cassandra Pentaghast from Dragon Age also. She is a great warrior. Although I am not physically strong as she is, I am still strong in many ways. I have survived ordeals that could have led me to death (great illness as a baby, mental torture, depression, etc.) and yet I slew those dragons and I keep on fighting. I am training and learning to use my shield properly (creating boundaries) and learning to know when to attack, and when to walk away. Cassandra is also a Seeker of Truth, and not only do I seek truth in what I do and what I have lived, but in the world in which we live as well.

3) A character you grew up with:

Princess Leia. At 4, watching A New Hope for the first time (and yes, Star Wars fans call it Star Wars, SUPERFANS call is A New Hope), I was greatly inspired by that world. I wanted to be a Jedi, I wanted to be also just like Princess Leia. I've got the hair! She was a role model for me. And I watched the original trilogy almost every day when I was young. I literally grew up with her.

4) Your first fictional crush:

Well if I grew up with Star Wars logic dictates my crush would be from that universe. Luke Skywalker was my very first fictional crush. At 20-25, Mark Hamill was quite the stud. Even after his accident and facial scars and imperfections as he got older. In The Empire Strikes Back and in Jedi Return of the Jedi he has a more rugged look, yet more mature. Little girl me crushed first on A New Hope Luke, and when I got a bit older, I really liked his training scenes :p If I could time-travel to date Mark Hamill at that age, I would. (Fictionally speaking, since I'm a faithful wife.)

5) Your fictional crush currently:

Solas! Yes, the tragic Elven God. In certain screenshots, he has airs that are similar to Frank (my husband) when Frank has his serious or sad face on. I know there are mods that exist where people have added hair to him, and he looks good, and I don't typically go for bald men, but I don't know. Of all the characters I do currently crush on, Solas is by far the one video game romance that has my heart throbbing.

6) If you could date a fictional character, who?


Well Solas, of course. Put aside that he's only romanceable to elves, if I was propelled into the Dragon Age universe, we'd have so much in common. I'd come from a different realm, so does he. I'd want to help him find a way to restore the old world without destroying the current one, but I'd follow him on his quest, and totally try to get in bed with him. (Fictionally and yes, Frank totally know all this.)

7) If you could be best friends with a fictional character, who would it be?

I'd choose Cassandra, because she's a tank, right, so she's always have my back no matter what. A guy breaks my heart, bam, he's down on his back, if it's not broken already. Someone tried to trigger me, she gives them a menacing stare and they flee. Yet she would soothe and understand me and she has a soft side to her. She might repeat some Chantry rhetoric, while I would go on about elven gods, but it would be fun and helpful. I would be silly and she would ugh as she does. Cassandra's trademark "sound" is subtitled as "disgusted noise". It's the UGH-factor, and we would be the ugh-buddies.

*8) If you could be a fictional character, who would it be?

Luke Skywalker, from the Original Expanded Universe novels. Or at least I would be just like him. He is such a bad ass Jedi, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. He has such powerful abilities: lightning, Force freeze (the person can't move), telepathy, great saber techniques. If you've read the books, you know how awesome Luke becomes. if you ahven't read the books, go read them now! (Thrawn trilogy, Jedi Academy, Yuuzhan-Vong series, everything after that!)

9) Which fictional characters are a huge comfort to you?

There are 4, sort of. Cole is from Dragon Age and he is half spirit. He is telepathic, he feels what others feel and sees the hurts others feel, emotional, physical, mental, psychological. And he seeks to heal them, to remove the hurt and help the person be free of it. I once had a conversation in my head where I imagined Cole was telling me a comforting things while I was in an emotional flashback.

Another character is Varric, also from Dragon Age, who is a writer, likes to exaggerate, and is a good listener. He's the type of dwarf who's everyone's best drinking buddy. He loves to play cards and his cheerful demeanor is a nice distraction every now and then.

Then, I wrote Merry and Pippin, from Lord of the Rings. They are a funny duo, clumsy at times, yet understand so much more than they let on. They are the comic relief in the first two books/films, but in Return of the King they experience so much and live through so much. (Though the Palantir incident takes place in The Two Towers in the books.) And through all of it, they remain lighthearted and bounce back from it all, which is refreshing and a comfort.

merry and pippin.jpg

10) Which fictional character do you look like?

I'd have to say Princess Leia. I've got the Hair! lol Not only is it long, but I was once told by a Professional Make-up Artist and Hair Stylist who had worked with Carrie Fisher in the past, that I had hair just like hers. That made my day, my year! When I was younger, cosplaying as Leia, I looked quite like her. Now that I'm older, I look a bit less like that character, but when I do my hair up in one of her various hair styles (my favourite is the one from Lando's Palace), depending how i do my make-up, I can still pull it off as an older Leia.

11) Is there a certain "type" you go for in fictional characters (personality)?

Other than their obvious physical aspect, they are tragic them sad elf boyfriends. Or mages. Or have a past filled with tragedy. Fenris, Anders, Cullen, Dorian, Solas. There have been the goofballs I've enjoyed romancing, such as Alistair or Zevran, Iron Bull, but those "sad" type of men are the ones I typically go for, and the elves are the ones who do it the most for me.

12) Is there a certain type you go for in fictional characters (looks)

ELVES! Something about those long pointy...EARS! An elven man's ear size says a lot him :p

13) If you could meet one fictional character, who would it be?

SOLAS! I am way too obsessed to pass up on that opportunity. Solas, Solas, Solas, hands down, by far. I will worship him as my god if I have to lol The Dread Wolf called Fen'Harel in elvhen. I will have him teach me to speak the language and I will ask him so many questions regarding theories I have due to what we the players know of the lore. I'd ask him sotries about the elves, about the Fade (the dream world, the magic realm). And you know what they say, "What happens in the Fade, stays int he Fade."

14) If you could only wear the wardrobe of one character, whose would it be?

I choose my Inquisitor. A playable character, but I would include to that, ALL classes (rogue, mage, warrior), and ALL races (Elf, Human, Qunari,Dwarf). Some of the outfits for some races and classes are really nice, like the female ElF Rogue. I also like Elf Mage robes. Human outfits are appealing to me too. Warriors have some nice armour. I would totally go through all the wardrobe and garb myself in many from the options.

15) What's your fictional character OTP?

So I had to look up OTP lol My favourite character pairing, although I love the banter from many characters and all, I would have to say Solavellan, which is the official nicname for Solas and Lavellan Inquisitors when romancing the elven god. Unlike most traditional video game romances, there is no love scene, there are many kissing scenes, but there are some moments that are so touching and moving. There is this love bond between Solas and Lavellan and he cares for her deeply, their love could endure time itself. But for the tragic road Solas is on. It is a deep romance full of sad moments yet full of hope too. I truly hope we can save him and have a Solavellan reunion.

And those are my answers! What are yours?

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