If you want to understand how the flag wars effect your rewards, look at these diagrams. You may be surprised at their effect!

in #fulltimegeek6 years ago

I have heard some people make some very surprising comments about flags and saying we should avoid flagging whales if they post bad content as it may cause retaliation etc... Or that we should just leave self voters alone, even if they post trash as they have invested money in holding steem.

These diagrams show that not only are flags useful, they actually benefit everyone who is creating good content!

If my reputation score is still negative when you see this - you will need to click the button to show the images!







Please resteem to spread the message and help others understand why it's so important for all of us to flag trash, regardless of who posts it. If we are too scared to flag someone, then the steem protocal, it's proof of brain has failed.



Flagging reduces the growth of poor content creators and move the rewards to better content creators!

That's a false conclusions that assumes only bad content creators are being flagged. Flagging can be done to "better value content" as well. And then the rewards get distributed everywhere anyways.

Yeah, you've gotta see @kabir88 for what he is....a liar. This man fabricated false evidence against me and falsely accused my analyst colleague, Peter Brandt to be a convicted criminal. @kabir88 furtively used actual criminal record of a tax evader with a very similar name (Peter Brant) and associated the same to my business website BitcoinLive.

He then posted the below libel. This @kabir88 was caught red handed in trying to fool Steemians into believing his lies.

These were my conditions below. @kabir88 laid down the first series of downvotes and he was part of your community. He even upvoted the fabricated evidence post @kabir88 made using a fake name.

No more words from me to any of you. Downvotes continue until an apology from @kabir88 is made and @fulltimedick removes his downvotes.

You cannot weasel your way out of the truth. This is a blockchain.

The screenshot you have shown above, is a comment you made to me, followed by this whole conversation you conveniently are leaving out.
The truce between yourself and @fulltimegeek.

Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 1.59.04 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 1.59.19 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 2.01.02 PM.png

Links are in my previous reply to @haejin.

@kabir88 laid down the first series of downvotes and he was part of your community.

Was he though? I think I remember him posting opposition to the truce. Hey, remember when I told you this...


flagfund gave you the message that I post family thanks flagfund for passing the word to sadkitten. Thank you for seeing my blogs sadkitten we all we got as Steemians thanks for bringing followers your the best sadkitten I love it did you know that the Blockchain will be the global currancy HODLER'S and that is the best thing about the Blockchain. Altcoins are the future and a good investment in the present investers should take advantage of this to gain a large profit margin on investment just opinion not fincial advice thanks sadkitten keep it steeming

81 rep? Lol you're the highest rep on steemit now right? That's crazy.
Sad to hear about the libel case, hope it was sorted out?

Sure, but if the Steem community comes to better consensus about what is good content and who is exploiting the system then flags do their job perfectly.

If an abuser flags good content because they are throwing a temper tantrum they just got tricked into wasting even more of their stake. It's implied that the community should come to this person's defense and replace the rewards that the abuser took away.

Or, someone like @kabir88 posts fabricated criminal evidence against an innocent analyst and gets caught red handed. Flags are perfect for him.

tks for follow..what happened to your reputation ?

Complete Timeline of Events HERE

Thanks :)

This doesn't work when you flag whales though.
Only for evenly staked accounts. So that last diagram is wrong. Especially when you factor in the wide gap between whale and plankton. 10 plankton of 20sp each flagging a whale of 400k SP won't remove 3 cents from his earning.

It still works, just on a smaller scale.

this is shortsighted (or blindsided if you wish)

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