The proof that we are not alone(Part 2 of 2) - Deeper insights into the nature of our reality.🤖⚡🌌

in #full-disclosure7 years ago (edited)

Here we explore our destiny to move beyond our slavery and involve ourselves galactically connecting with our universal family, breaking down a quick-start guide on the UFO Disclosure space and looking at the big picture.

This is Part 2 of a two part article, if you haven't already please read Part 1 over here.


Crop Circles
This is a very interesting topic which has been tainted by the vast amounts of fake circles and hoax’s. There have been groups like the “Mirage Men” that have been faking and counterfeiting many circles. But is still much mystery around crop circles.


Figure 20: Crop Circle etched in ice

Over the past 25 years, more than 10,000 Crop Circles (Agriglyphs) have been found or catalogued worldwide. Crop circles are not a modern phenomenon and exist in the centuries-old folklore of South Africa and China, and are in Native American Indian legends. The first definitive written account of a crop circle is from August 8, 1590 and is found in "The Natural History of Stafford-Shire", published in 1686. More than 6 000 crop circles have been investigated and documented since 1980. The Crop Circle phenomena has also been found in snow and frozen bodies of water and sand. More than 80 witnesses have witnessed crop circles being created within a few seconds by one or more balls of light (orbs).


Figure 21: Assortment of various Crop Circle designs

Some crop circles display some peculiar characteristics like complex patterns using intricate geometric designs. All real crop circle formations have bent unbroken crop stems and swirled or interwoven stalks. Biophysical evidence shows the plant's nodes and stems are drastically extended, seed embryos are altered, as if they have been heated from the inside, and germination abnormalities. It has been scientifically documented that soil samples taken from within crop circles, show changes to the soil's crystalline structure and mineral composition, and the soil appears to have been baked. Analysis concluded that a heat of 1,500°C would be required to create such a change. Crop circles mostly appear at the intersecting points of the Earth’s magnetic pathways of energy (ley lines) or along them.

Orbs can be described as strange balls of light, which have been witnessed for many years, and have become widespread in “popular culture”. Some of them are man-made plasma balls, but others seem to be under intelligent control and even have what looks like human faces on them. They have been seen moving around as if under intelligent control, and mostly seen as white in colour but also red, orange, green & yellow spheres have been observed. Some people consider that orbs could be what “first contact” looks like with an advanced civilization, and possibly can be perceived to be the forerunners of actual ET contact. There is also speculation that Orbs are actually protecting some Indigo, Crystal or Star Child humans, and people have claimed they have seen an orb “catch” a child who had tripped and fallen down the stairs, and had thus prevented serious injury to the kid.

Interestingly the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) acknowledged in a summary report that unexplained luminous objects in the sky have occasionally been seen. However, "the conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses, which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive and accelerate are not completely understood."

The Drake Equation
The Drake Equation, invented by Dr Frank Drake in 1961, is a mathematical equation which attempts to capture the variables and factors which would determine how many intelligent, communicating civilisations there are in our galaxy.


Figure 23: The Drake Equation

N = The number of broadcasting civilizations.
R = Average rate of formation of suitable stars (stars/year) in the Milky Way galaxy.
fp =Fraction of stars that form planets.
ne =Average number of habitable planets per star.
fl = Fraction of habitable planets (ne) where life emerges.
fi = Fraction of habitable planets with life where intelligent evolves.
fc= Fraction of planets with intelligent life capable of interstellar communication.
L = Years a civilization remains detectable.

Inserting the above minimum numbers into the equation gives a minimum N of 20. Inserting the maximum numbers gives a maximum of 50,000,000. Drake states that given the uncertainties, the original meeting concluded that N ≈ L, and there were probably between 1000 and 100,000,000 civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.

Multiple Dimensions, Quantum Physics & Scalar Wave Evidence
Science has begun to catch up to mysticism, and we now have actual scientific evidence that time isn’t linear and that anti-matter, dark matter and wormholes exist. So our previously held notions, in which you couldn’t travel backwards or forwards in time, or that we couldn’t travel faster than the speed of light, need to be re-evaluated and updated. We need to expand our awareness of what is possible, strip away the conditioning & the programming and discover the evidence that time-travel & stargate portals are real and exist on planet earth today!


Figure 24: Wormhole, or Einstein-Rosen Bridge

Scalar waves were originally detected by a mathematical genius called James Clerk Maxwell. He linked electricity and magnetism and laid the foundation for modern physics. Scalar waves were included in his research, but it was deliberately left out of his work notably by Heinrich Hertz, who laid down the laws taught for physics as a discipline at colleges. They dismissed scalar waves as "mystical" because they were “physically unmanifest and only existed in the ‘ethers’, and so were determined to be too ineffectual for further study”.
Scalar wavelengths are finer than gamma rays or X rays and only one hundred millionth of a square centimetre in width. They belong to the subtle gravitational field and are also known as “gravitic waves” or “longitudinal wave”.

Uniquely, they flow in multiple directions at right angles off electromagnetic waves, as an untapped energy source called 'potentials'. Potentials are particles which are unorganized in hyperspace - pure etheric energy not manifest in the physical world.


Figure 25: Transverse vs. Scalar Wave

Tesla accidentally rediscovered them and found, while experimenting with violently abrupt direct current electrical charges, that a new form of energy (scalar) came through. By 1904, Tesla had developed transmitters to harness scalar energy from one transmitter to another, undetectably bypassing time and space. He could just materialize it from one place to another through hyperspace, without the use of wires, it was just sucked right out of the space-time/vacuum and into a transmitter and into a beam which could be targeted to another transmitter. Unfortunately Tesla got no financial support for potentially replacing electricity, which used wires and therefore earned money, and to this day, this is the reason why scalar energy is still not acknowledged in mainstream physics.

Scalar waves are perfectly suited for deep space communication and can be used for a wide array of applications including missile defence, mind control, plasma shields and even be able to induce diseases! The potential of what scalar can do is outside the scope of this article, but it should be realized that understanding of this tech can help demystify the UFO topic, by getting a grip of what is possible with known science. Researchers who have made scalar devices state that they are able to 'see' spaceships in space, which are usually invisible due to cloaking tech, and are potentially able to pick up transmissions that come from outside our galaxy.

DNA Evidence
Scientists that have been studying human DNA are suggesting that an advanced alien civilization "seeded" our galaxy eons ago with an ET signal that eventually found its way to Earth, implanting a genetic code into humans. Research from the University of Cambridge has discovered what appears to be ‘foreign’ DNA – 145 genes that may threaten one of modern orthodoxy’s sacred cows: Darwin’s theory of evolution.

A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extra-terrestrial life forms. DNA research is proving through scientific methods, that some of our human DNA did not originate on this planet, and therefore must come from off-world!


Figure 26: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

UFOs in Art Evidence
Since the very earliest times, there have been depictions of UFOs and extra-terrestrials in art. From the first discovered cave paintings in Tanzania which are 29 000 years old, or rock art from Peru which is 12 000- 14 000 years old. There are Mesopotamian sculptures of reptilian entities, dating from 4500-5000 BC, in the British museum, and numerous other art pieces from literally every continent. There’re interesting statuette beings found in Ecuador, which appear to be beings wearing space suits. There are also pictograms found in Egyptian temples, dating from 2600 BC, depicting which appear to be helicopters and other flying craft.


Figure 27: “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino"., painted by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494)

There is a rich collection of etchings, illustrations, images & paintings depicting ET activity on this planet throughout recorded history. This should add to our body of evidence, and help “paint a picture” of the long recorded history of visitations, in various art forms and mediums.
Other examples of this could be traditional African masks, which are often used in ancient rituals venerating off-world deities. There are numerous African mystical traditions & religious practises which worship galactic beings, like the Dogon Tribe which worship gods that arrived from Sirius. The Dogon priest acquired knowledge of Sirius B, the white dwarf companion star of Sirius A, which is invisible to the naked eye, and wasn’t discovered by modern science until 1970. It doesn't seem to explain a 400 year old Dogon artefact that apparently depicts the Sirius configuration, nor the ceremonies held by the Dogon since the 13th century to celebrate the cycle of Sirius A and B. Some of these ritual masks, are depictions of what we could call “alien beings” and this ritual art form has been preserved to this day.

Dogon_danza Nommos cosmicgiggle net.jpg

Figure 28: Dogon Tribe Ritual Masks.


Figure 29: Dogon Tribe Ritual Art.


Figure 30: Dogon Tribe Ritual Mask

Standing Stone Circle Megaliths and Archeoastronomy Evidence
There are still many mysteries remaining about standing stones (also known as stone megaliths or stone circles) over the origin of the stones or purpose and method of their construction and transportation. These stones have been found all around the world and mainly concentrated near locations of ancient civilizations. The most famous of these are Stonehenge and Avebury Wiltshire England, but there are many fascinating examples, like the Nabta stone-circle in Egypt or ancient megalithic circles/temples in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey or Adams Calendar in Mpumalanga, South Africa.




devils arrows7.JPG

Figure 31: Standing Stones / Stone Circles / Stone Megaliths examples

What else is fascinating about these stones, is that many of them have been constructed with precise astrological alignments, like the solstices and the equinoxes or the tropic of Cancer, and have unusual geometry in the spacing of the stones, often with markers for time keeping and other calendar functions. Science cannot adequately explain the purpose that these stones were built for, but the precise astral alignments suggest that many were used for purposes of archeoastronomy.

The individual pieces of evidence that, we are not alone and that flying saucers have landed, may not be conclusive by evaluating each piece of evidence by itself, but all the pieces together propose a very substantial, credible, sensible and even-tempered conclusion. The information presented here is part of an unfolding story, the story of human’s advancement and the truth about our ancient history.

Studies have been going on about the implications that disclosure will have on humanity. Many fear it would have devastating implications for our society especially religions, and could create panic and social upheaval. I think this is a little paranoid myself, but the decision has been made that an increasing amount of evidence will be progressively released, and after a number of years this will be a gradual realization and further studies done on this phenomena. It’s analogous to a dripping tap scenario, pretty soon there is going to be water all over the floor!

The facts are: Disclosure has already happened decades ago!

We now have the technology to solve all problems on this planet, and decide collectively how we are going to further evolve as a species on earth. We establish our rightful place in the galaxy, and enrich our knowledge and develop peaceful and mutual co-operation with other advanced civilisations.

When you understand more about The Galactic History of DNA you'll discover that you are much more than you know and are a highly advanced hybrid sacred being. Humanity is now like a child growing up from childhood and entering into their galactic family and responsibility to become the human race we're capable of as directed by prime creator. This is all happening around us now and there are various opposing factions of ET races manoeuvring in the background to influence humanity to be most compatible with their trade and political representations. As we evolve and learn to heal and repair our DNA and start to remove dogma and upgrade our educational institutions then we can take our rightful place in the galaxy as human beings originating from the Earth, Solar System, Orion Spiral Arm, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster,Laniakea Galactic Supercluster, Universe,Multiverse, Omniverse.

True story - while I was having a wonderful Christmas day lunch with my dear friend, we were all sitting around the table and I was chatting to one of her friends about stuff and I mentioned the Secret Space Program, which led to me saying that we “have colonies on the Moon and on Mars already.” Suddenly this person jumped up and screamed “Nonsense, you are speaking rubbish. There is no such thing and we certainly don’t have colonies on Mars!” He was outraged that I had even suggested it, and he was completely offended by my comments. If this nameless person reads this all I can suggest is that he should “Do a bit of research, use your logic & common sense, and don’t believe everything you see on TV.”
This article is a resource for researchers, and a guide for anybody who’s not yet completely convinced that we’re not alone! We have included a list below of UFO Personalities, Scientists & Researchers so you can further explore the evidence! We welcome any comments, suggestions, links or any feedback whatsoever. Thanks Steemians for reading, and blessing to all!


Crop Circle Alien Image Header
UFO Blogger
Ben Rich Lockheed SkunkWorks Director
Image Links
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino
Nag Hammadi
Abduction Pic
Norway spiral
Exopolitics institute pic
Bases Project
Roscosmos Logo
Canadian Space Agency
Chinese National Space Agency
India Space
Japanese Space Agency

The Ancient Evidence
Dead Sea Scrolls
Nag Hammadi Codices

Photographic Evidence
Best UFO Pics
Camera Curiosity Review
Battle of L.A.

Radar Evidence
UFO Evidence Radar
UFO Airport Shutdown
Flight Controllers
Witness Testimony Evidence
UFO Facts
Research Links [and] ( and
UFO Coverup
List of witnesses
Disclosure Project
UFO hotspot at ECETI Ranch
Vril Society Political Evidence
Psychic Channelling & Psychic Mediumship Evidence , 1
Image for Vril Society psychic medium

Space Probes, Observatory’s and Satellite Evidence
Solar System
evidence of faked Apollo moon landings
Space footage faked
Apollo moon module patch

Miscellaneous and Other Noted Evidence
Mirage Men
Richard Hoagland
Secret Space
Richard Dolan Books
Bob Dean Resource
Vector Chevron Symbolism video
Tesla Documentary with Eric Dollard
SpaceX Lasered Quote
Drake Equation
Drake Equation
Anti-matter resource
Dark Matter
Wormhole Facts and Info
Tesla UFO Images
Crop Circles
UK MoD Orbs Report
Orb Image
Time Travel Article
Stargate Video of Misc. facts
Wormholes Image and Article
Scalar Waves
Long/Scalar vs Transverse Wave graphic
Ufos in Art resource
Dogon Tribe info
Dogon mask
Dogon mask II
Dogon Wood Carving
DNA Evidence
DNA Image
Standing Stone Megaliths and Archeoastronomy Evidence
Stone circles
Adams Calendar Pics
Stone Henge Pic
Circle Examples
Wikipedia Archeoastronomy
Photo Research Links:
Sirius Disc.
UFO Photos


Thanks Steemians - I really hoped you enjoyed my article and I hope I've made some points and got everyone thinking about who you are, where you come from and what you're doing here! Please leave me comments or tell me what you think in the comments. Peace🕸

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