"Fruits & Veggies Monday"

Now then... here is my contribution for @lenasveganliving's new contest "Fruits & Veggies Monday"!  Although at the moment she is keeping it simple, she has exciting plans to add challenges and prizes, so stay tuned!  

If you ponder on it for a moment, this contest is much more than just about taking a nice photo of your fruits and veggies.  It will put the thought of these nutritious plants into your head and perhaps you'll end up subconsciously adding more veggies into your cooking that day.  It will also encourage other people to get thinking about them... they will see your post and take a good nosey at the photos, and will learn about different fruits and vegetables from all over the world.  We'll learn from each other about nutritional qualities, how to grow them, ways to prepare, eat or how to use them topically.  Surely we'll frequently come across things we didn't know existed... which is exciting is it not?!!!  Hooray for these beautiful plants that sustain us and do wonderful things to our bodies!

I always have an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables in my house - since they make up most of my diet I'd be pretty hungry without all this lot!  I have more, but some is in the freezer, and some outside in the ground and also in my little greenhouse.  Photos of them for another time!

Here we have: butternut squash, broccoli, parsnips, red onions, garlic, baby plum tomatoes, new potatoes, avocado, courgettes, savoy cabbage, beetroot, carrots, bananas, pineapple, apples, spinach, rocket, watercress.

I get most of this produce delivered all the way from The Organic Supermarket in Dublin to my house in north County Donegal.  They only charge a fiver for delivery, and it's wonderful because there's no-where in my area to buy organic produce... The nearest place is 16 miles away and since I don't drive it costs 10 euro there and back on the bus, so works out way cheaper to get it delivered from Dublin!  Crazy really... You'd think we'd at least be able to get organic spuds locally anywhere in Ireland but nope!  I've got some homegrown in the ground right now, so the plan is to become more self-sufficient as time goes on and I learn more about growing food.

If you wish to take part in this new contest, you can visit @lenasveganliving's post here for more info.


Lovely array of fresh veggies @woman-onthe-wing! I would love to have all these and get in the kitchen to have some fun creating some great dishes!
Btw I brought my contribution too in the #fruitsandveggiesmonday, really a very nice challenge put up by @lenasveganliving!

I agree, it's a great idea to get people thinking about fruits and veggies, and perhaps even using them more!

Made me hungry! Great post!

Such a fabulous post! All those delicious veggies! That just rung the lunch bell for me!

Thanks so much @dswigle! Glad you find fruits and vegetables so appetising! I always get really excited to have the delivery of fresh produce, in particular broccoli who I would have a love-affair with if I could haha :-)

Mine is spinach! Oh, Lordy! I am always dreaming up ways to make it - or not. I love it a la mode!

Oooh yeah, spinach is beeeaautiful!

YES!!!! :)

It is amazing how much I have gotten to love veggies, especially growing my own. It is so incredibly fulfilling. I love the nice buffet you have set out here lol. :)

Thanks very much @healthyrecipe! It's wonderful to hear how much you enjoy your homegrown... such a satisfying way to live rather than always buying everything from shops!

Wooooooooooooow, I am so excited you joined @woman-onthe-wing . This is fantastic entry so with great photos and well written, better then I could ever write lol, but is like you reading my mind. I appreciate this so much. Huge thank you 🍇🍍🍑🌸🍑🍍🍉

Well it's a great idea and I like to promote health-consciousness any way I can, so I raise my glass and say cheers to your new contest!!! It's fun too :-)

Thank you so much again Dear @woman-onthe-wing, I am thrilled that we have so much in common. So yes.........cheers to rising consciousness in a fun way 🍇🍍🍑🌸🍑🍍🍉

Thank you so much for sharing the nice photos and the story of the veggies. I thought in Ireland there is no problem with organic produce but I was wrong. We also buy organic products and while were living in Malta usually bought it from Italy delivered every Thursday from organic farm. The same time it was way batter then anything I could find locally.

There are many organic farms in Ireland, though not in every area and I happen to live in an area that doesn't have any! Oh well! Thank goodness for delivery services or I'd be forced to eat non-organic veg most of the time. That's great you had somewhere that delivered in Malta too. I got married in Gozo, and passed through parts of Malta...beautiful place :-)

wow! You got married in Gozo?! that's so interesting! I am very happy to meet someone who has been there%)) Re organic produce - yep, I can tell the difference immediately. Although some of my friends have doubts that organic produce is really healthy and has a difference (apart of the price) I just keep choosing it! And fresh from the farm - what can be better?! Only the one you grow%) While we were in Malta we had a small garden at the friend's apart of the balcony where we grew everything%) Now in Montenegro and I am amazed - it is like heaven - they do not spray their products, they have mushrooms and berries growing everywhere! I am in haven%) Hopefully will write a post promised for FridayMarket and thanks to your post now descovered fruitsandveggiesmonday%) All the best to @woman-onthe-wing! And a small compliment from me in an art form - this is how I would see your signature here on Steemit%)If you like it please be free to use it - it is a gift from me%))
Untitled Design copy copy.jpg

Oh my goodness @sashagenji - you made this for me?! I'm thrilled and delighted, thanks so much, it's so beautiful! I will use this for sure :-)

Yeah I am always a bit suspicious in this modern world and wonder too if all the organic produce I buy is actually organic! But hey, all we can do is try our best to keep ourselves in good health. I'm so glad to hear you have an abundance of mushrooms and berries where you live that are chemical free! I have only just started learning bits about growing food, but I will keep at it and fingers crossed in a few years those fingers will become greener and greener!!! I look forward to seeing your post for fruitsandveggiesmonday!

You are welcome! I just read some of your posts and really liked them and thought that an image like this one will suit you a bit more%)))
Re growing food - I think people just think it is hard which is really not. I like growing food of my own and with this you can tell for sure it is organic%)) If we come to Ireland I will make sure we share some of the organic seeds we have%) We started trevelling with lots of organic seeds with us and since we are sometimes staying on organic farms we share them and people share theirs. With this we end up with a fantastic collection which we keep sharing futher%)) The circle of organic seeds share%)) Much love and look forward to your new posts!

What a wonderful thing to do - hand out organic seeds as your travel around... I LOVE this idea! Yes please, if ever you're in Ireland give me a holler!

I adore the image you made me, and will put it on each of my posts from now on! I already put it in my latest post and think it looks beautiful :-) I'm really touched you enjoy my blog and hopefully I can continue to keep you interested! I admit I have only had chance for a quick peek at your blog for now, but love that you're an arty, positive, spiritual kinda soul so I know for sure I'm going to enjoy perusing through yours this weekend! :-)

I love the idea to, but it was kind of natural%)) And for sure will hand some seeds to you%) Sometimes I also send art mandalas on stones to people who I adore%)) I just wrote a nice post about Montenegro's market which hope to finish and post tomorrow%) And I just saw your culinary challenge! That is something so good! Now I have one more inspiration from you! I love doing interesting things for kids especially healthy ones%))
As per the image - I loved doing it and I am really happy you enjoyed it. I saw your credited me - that is so nice of you but for me was enough that you loved it%)) For me it is like you (at least what I felt reading your posts%) I do a lot of images for people whose posts I like so hopefully I will have a chance to be inspired by your posts again%) Much love from here and be blessed%) I am very happy and blessed I found a person like you%))

What a boatload of fruits and veggies!!! So glad you get this delivery!!!

I know! On occasion I walk up to the nearest shop 2 miles away with my rucksack and carry groceries back, but I couldn't carry that lot so thank goodness for deliveries at a reasonable price!

Such a cool service for only a fiver! Yeah for plant-based foods. They are the best.

They are indeed! :-)

nomnomnom look all that beauty! :D I would eat it all just like that!

Thanks @tioluis! I love that kind of reaction to fruit & veg!!!

In addition to food, from various fruit and vegetable combinations, you can prepare delicious smoothies, which, in addition to helping you lose weight, strengthen your immunity in the summer.

Yes indeed! Smoothies are wonderful way to get goodness into you :-)

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