Stir-Fry Soy Curls // Oseng-Oseng Daging Kedelai


Happy that #fruitsandveggiesmonday by @lenasveganliving is returning, so this following recipe of mine will be entered to her gathering :D

I love soy curls, although I know many would rather not consume soy, but I grew up with soy (tempeh and tofu mostly), with no unwanted side effects at all - am still waiting for that bigger boobs effect from eating soy tho :P PEACE!

The possibility is endless with soy curls, Mongolian "beef", butter "chicken", teriyaki "beef", Philly cheeze steak, etc, YUM!

But the following recipe of mine is as simple as stir-frying them with some veggies :D

Hai Teman!

KEDELAI loh yah, bukan keledai hahahhahaha

Kebayang ga yah kalau daging keledai, kira-kira ada ga yah dinegara lain yang mengkonsumsi keledai? Belum pernah dengar wkwkwkw

Karena disini hari Senin, aku mau mengikutsertakan resep oseng-oseng daging kedelai berikut ini ke #fruitsandveggiesmonday-nya @lenasveganliving, tau kan tagar yang siapapun boleh pakai setiap hari Senin-nya, akan segala posting yang berhubungan dengan sayuran serta buah-buahan, dan teman kalau mau mengikutsertakan masakan pun boleh loh. Yuk ikutan :D


I did not take a lot of pictures, but please do click the video to see how I prepared the stir fry :)

Here is the recipe should you like to try to prepare this super easy stir fry :D

- 1 handful soy curls
- 1 tsp Vegeta seasoning
- Enough hot boiling water
- Soak 5 mins, drain, squeeze

Aku gi bener-bener males foto-foto belakangan ini, seringnya bikin video, kalau mau tengok, bisa di video berikut ini yah, ga ribet kok cara buatnya :D

- 1 sdt Vegeta bisa diganti Royco rasa terserah
- 1 genggam besar, daging kedelai (soy curls, bisa dibeli online)
- air panas secukupnya
- Campur ketiganya, diamkan 5 menit, tiriskan, remas-remas agar air keluar


- 3 tbsp cooking oil
- 2 garlic, sliced
- 1/4 of a large onion, sliced
- Heat oil, saute garlic and onion, then brown soy curls
- Add in 2-3 c sliced cabbage
- 1 c snap peas
- Season with 2 tsp Vegeta seasoning
- Add in1/8 c water
- Cook covered 3-5 mins

- Panaskan 3 sdm minyak goreng, masukkan irisan 2 bawang putih, serta irisan bawang bombay kecil
- Masukkan daging kedelai, masak hingga kecoklatan dan agak kering dari air rendaman
- Masukkan 3 gelas irisan kubis serta 1 gelas kacang kapir
- Beri bumbu penyedap secukupnya, serta 1/8 gelas air
- Beri penutup panci, masak 3-5 menit, sajikan segera

See, as easy as 1-2-3. Should you have interest on participating on #fruitsandveggiesmonday, come check the tag and see what others posted. Everything related to fruits and veggies, you may enter, and should you choose to send in a recipe, make sure it's vegan and/or plant-based.

See youse!

Oke deh teman, segitu dulu yak :D

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The looks says it got a delicious taste. Sometimes the Color says the true taste ..and I think I got it right ..👍

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First time I have heard of soy curls and I am not sure if we have it here. Curious what is was so I found out that it taste like chicken upon checking. Would it be possible to do breaded soy curls or soy curl tonkatsu?

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

I need to get some more soy curls!! I've only used them a few times, but I enjoyed the texture. I have no problem with soy either. If anything I think my body feels pretty darn good when I include a reasonable amount of tempeh and tofu. I used to want bigger 🍈🍈, too, but now I'm happy with small ones because it makes running and working out a whole lot more enjoyable. 🤣

Whatever you made looks so good! Thanks for sharing us the recipe and the video on how to make it! Have a great week ahead!

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Looks tasty. I love these videos, where everything is shown in detail))

Yummy this dish is looking so delicious:)

howdy thekitchenfairy! soy curls?? yikes, those things you have to mix them with something flavorful right? I heard was not very good for men to eat but maybe that's just a rumor started by the beef people! lol.

Sumpee deeh... tak kirain daging kelede tadi.. taunya daging dele 😂😂😂😂 vegeta apaan mbak ee? Kayak merek minuman pencahar kalo di indonesia ini😆

hahaha AKHIRNYA!!!

setahunan ngeblog selalu posting ttg Vegeta, ga ada satupun yang tanya hahahahah kebayang ga sih kalau ada pake Vegeta yang di Indo hahahhah

di Amrik, Kanada, Eropa, ada sejenis Royco, mereknya Vegeta say hahahahha

Oaaalaaahhh 😂😂😂 kalau di sini siy, minum vegeta biar lancar pup 😂😂 amakjang.. royco pulak

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