Fruits and Veggies Monday, Goes to Market (Bagsakan)

It’s another lovely Monday and it’s #fruitsandveggiesmonday by @lenasveganliving and hosted by @plantstoplanks.

Today i would like to invite you to what we called Bagsakan of fresh fruits and vegetables. Bagsakan, means it is where the goods or products delivered or unloaded.
It is located at Urdaneta Public Market, Province of Pangasinan. It is where I got my pre orders of fresh produce to UAE.


When you come here, you will be amazed how the rainbow of colors come all together.
Farmers from different places comes here to sell their produce in bulk orders, and the best place to buy if you want to do a retail.



Tropical fruits and vegetables in season are all here. A warehouse of fresh produce. They are all neatly lined up, some are packed in plastics. Bananas, Pumpkins, chilis and other vegetables of different varieties.


There is so much to see and a lot to choose from, So you must find the best deal.


Taro, a vegetable root - crop,The leaves and stems are edible and is very tasty when cooked with coconut milk.


Banana blossom


Philippine lemon or Kalamansi


And Gazillions of Chillies


Haggling is common here, especially when the seller wants to go home, He usually give it to a much lower price. That’s how i got most of my fruits, lucky me :) like every market, it’s always noisy, sellers call buyers as loud as they could :D



And one of the fruits you can see in the Philippines and other tropical country is the Yellow Sapote, Canistel and we commonly called Chisa in Tagalog. The flesh is very yellow - orange and it’s sweet. It’s texture compared to a hard - boiled egg yolk or a baked sweet potato, It’s very dense. The only edible of this fruit tree is the fruit itself.

Canistel fruit

I haven’t seen this fruit for ages and so glad to know that it’s still common these days because some tropical fruits are now rare to find. I remember having this when I was very young, I hate it sometimes because my teeth gets really yellow after eating it. Though i am not a fan of the fruit, it’s nice to have it sometimes.

Cotton fruit

I enjoyed visiting this place, a beautiful adventure. Make sure though that you have your own service to take your fresh produce if you plan to get in bulk. We have none so I end up carrying 10 kilos of cotton fruit… it’s dreadfully heavy! Yes, I can’t believe I carried that too.

Have you been to a place like these?

I hope you enjoy the market tour and the pictures. Till next time.


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"We have none so I end up carrying 10 kilos of cotton fruit… it’s dreadfully heavy!"

Wow.. 10 kg's is super heavy 😯

I know 😁. Thank uou for stopping by

You're welcome ☺️

Wow that's a ton of produce! 😍 I would be in heaven browsing all that yummy stuff. Though I would probably get in trouble by buying way more than I would need. I'm not very good at haggling either, haha. It's almost lunch time here, so now I'm getting hungry!

It is! It's like a warehouse of fresh produce and its abundant. I will be probably be like you, buying more than i need, they're just too good. Have a nice day and thank you.

This is truly amazing Dear Sheryl! But I am wondering how could you carry 10kg of fruit??? Must be really good, lol. I would love to try it, that's for sure and so the Sapote. I read about it before, but I did not find it yet 🥭😊🥭
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Haha, i dont know how i manage it, i have no choice but to carry them until to the bus stop, about 15 minutes, though i have to stop in between to take a minute of break, its really heavy.
I have carried it alternately in my hips. Phew!

Yes, sapote, it's a must try to.
Thank you so much my dearest @lenasveganliving

Sarap mamalengke 👍👍

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Hey @sherylneil, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!


These are absolutely fabulous #MarketFriday posts, but, I miss them because you don't post them on Friday which is okay, but, you don't drop the post here and I am so sorry for missing it! I did get to resteem it and upvote it last week!


#MarketFriday loves you!

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