Fruits and Veggies Monday

When I went back home to UAE, I brought some asian fruits to sell in the country. Actually, it's a pre-order, I buy the orders and arrange a public meet-up to hand them their orders.

It's a good side-hustle, knowing Overseas Filipino workers misses their native foods back home.

I brought some Cotton Fruits, Bamboo shoots, Jicama and some other delicacies.

Cotton Fruits

This tropical fruit is round and yellow. It's inside flesh is sweet to sour depending on the variety of the fruit. Large ones are typically sweet and tasty.


It has lots of vitamins and minerals. Rich in Vitamin C, thus strengthens the immune system.


Health Benefits of Cotton fruits

1.It is good for Diabetic People
2.Aids weight loss
3.Helps skin allergies
4.Immune booster

It's barks and leaves are used as natural medicine for Diarrhea and Dysentery


I got more than 12 kilos of cotton fruit in our luggage,It's best seller, all sold out! I wrapped them really carefully with Banana leaves and papers and they turned out good without being soft.


The good thing about cotton fruit is, They are Climacteric, they continue to ripens once you pluck them out in the tree.

Bamboo Shoots

The crispy, young, tender Bamboo sprouts is famous in South East Asia. It should be boiled, uncovered in a salted water for 25 - 30 minutes, to soften the sprouts and to release the Taxiphyllin - A cyanogenic glycoside. also to get rid of the bitter - taste. (Discard the toxic water once boiled).

Like many other vegetables, Bamboo shoots is also packed with minerals and vitamins.


Health Benefits of Bamboo shoots

1.High in protèin
2.High in fibers
3.Rich in amino acids
4.It helps to regulate hormones
5.Good for heart health

I also brought it pre - cooked and got 4 kilos of order, all sold out.


It is a root vegetable, Also known as Mexican turnip, a globe - shape vegetable with brown skin. Jicama has a slightly sweet taste. It's crispy and crunchy texture is Low in calories, But high in fibers. it is also a starchy root vegetable which is ideal for a low carbohydrate, It is also used in cooking and a great alternative for water chestnut.

Though the tuberous root is edible, The plant, including the beans are toxic.


Health Benefits of Jicama

2.Aids weight loss
3.Full of fibers
4.Controls blood sugar
5.High in antioxidants
6.Promotes heart health


I only got a few pieces of orders, and the rest, we ate it raw and some of it is used in cooking.

I got all the fruits and vegetables in the next town, where fresh produce are all delivered anytime of the day

I made good money bringing those delicacies back. It was a lot to carry though, and they're really pretty heavy. But my favorite part of it was, I enjoyed what i do. I was thrilled to see how they miss the native fruits and veggies.

It was so much fun, I have to say, and I will do it again next time.

Thank you for coming with me.

This post is dedicated to #fruitsandveggiesmonday by the wonderful people, @lenasveganliving, hosted by @plantstoplanks. Thank you so much for being here, Rain or shine.


Such interesting fresh produce @sherylneil, I've never seen any of these around here!

Indeed, @lizelle. They are common in south east asian countries, a tropics fresh produce. Thank you for the visit. Blessings!

The cotton fruits are in season too here in Thailand - sooooo cheap!! Why not just sprout your own sprouts? The white "lovely looking" ones are mostly washed in a formaldehyde solution to keep the "fresh". The seeds are so easy to sprout and there are so many tutorials online. You could start a little side hustle growing sprouts in your apartment. :)

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Wow, that gives me an idea, thank you @artemislives. Brilliant! Why didn't i thought of that :D i am seriously considering it.

Oh, that sad, a formaldehyde on the white flesh. I think we never do that in the Philippines. What we do is we soak it with just tap water, or they will peel it as per order.
Have a happy weekend!

So neat to see! I don't think I've seen the cotton fruit before. I can definitely understand wanting that little taste of home if I were living overseas. One of my clients introduced me to jicama a few years ago (he is from Mexico), so that one I know I enjoy. It's excellent in a nice raw slaw!

Wow, never tried that jicama coles law, sounds very tasty. That gives me an idea next time. Thank you so much @plantstoplanks. Have a happy weekend

Wow! How did you transport all that fruit? That is quite impressive Dear Sheryl! I would love to try it! I have to go to an Asian supermarket and see if they have it some of this fruit. I know we have jicama here, but not the other ones. Your boys are so grown up since a saw them last time! 😍
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Hi @lenasveganliving. Thank you so much the award first and foremist. Such a wonderful surprise.

I've transported them in a box with lots of banana leaves and wrinkled paper on each sides so they dont bash each other. Then i put the box in my luggage, hehe.

Since we have lots of extra kilos for luggage i take advantage of it. It helps a bit of extra cash and im soo happy. I feel so blessed.

We have lots of Jicama in yhe Philippines, many varieties too. The ones i had was for raw eating, some other types are used for cooking.

Yes, they're growing too fast. Hello to your grand children (twins?) I wish you all a happy weekend, take care

I am surprised you can take all that on an airplane. However, I am glad it works out works you so well. I had no idea there is Jicama that can e eaten raw, it must be extremely healthy.

Anyway, you are most welcome and thank you too. Wish you all the best and wonderful weekend as well 🌸💖🌸

Most Beautiful Fruit & Veggie.png

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