Teach Your Kid to Cook: Vegetarian Gyoza (Dumplings)

in #fruitsandveggiesmonday5 years ago (edited)


Teach a boy to cook as a teenager, he'll moan and do it grudgingly, unless he's hungry or in a good mood. But teach a boy to cook, and one day he'll be an adult and be able to cook himself decent, healthy meals on a budget and cook you an awesome meal with his lovely vegan girlfriend. Of all practical skills I taught him, cooking is one he's most grateful for. Whilst their housemate is asking how to cook a mango or being suprised at various vegetables as he's never seen them in any form but chopped an in a meal, they're cooking amazing vegan meals. Whilst my boy isn't strict vegan, he is vegetarian (mostly - dammit, why DO we have these food labels!) and his girl definitely IS vegan, and he's been raised vegetarian so for him, it's natural to experiment with all sorts of vegetables and dishes to make something delicious.

And delicious it was - bibimbap with an entree of gyoza.

The fun thing about this shared entree was that it was vegetarian gyoza, Japanese dumplings, which we sat around and formed ourselves before they were cooked. I'm sure it was because they ran out of time to pre-prepare them, but I do love a communal cook up. They'd already made the filling - a mix of vegetables, tofu and spices and we just had to make the dumplings by putting a spoonful in the centre, wetting the edges and pressing them together.


They were then fried in coconut oil on one side before flipping, adding about .5 centimeter of water to the bottom of the pan with the lid on and steaming, before flipping and frying on the other side. Served with a korean hot chilli paste and some soy sauce (and beer) they were absolutely delicious!

The bibimbap main was also amazing. By that time they'd made me put my camera away. 'Stop paparazzing my food, Mum', my boy joked, knowing full well I intended to steem the affair. Bibimbap is a korean dish which is basically steamed rice with vegetables, meat and egg. Our version, of course, was without meat and egg - instead, with fried tempeh and tofu strips, sauted broccoli and snowpeas, and a big bowl of steamed red cabbage and carrot.


If there's one bit of parenting advice I can give you, is that you have to teach your kids to cook. One day they'll get pleasure out of it, and be able to nourish themselves even when you're not around. It's an important skill to have.


Vegetarian Gyoza

For the filling, finely chop a variety of vegetables - about 6 cups worth. It's important to have them pretty finely chopped. We go for feel for proportions.

  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Spring onion
  • Garlic
  • Zucchini
  • A block of crumbled tofu
  • Mushrooms

Add a tbsp of turmeric, a large splash of sesame oil and some grated ginger. Stir fry with a splash of water until the vegetables are just tender. Add the crumbled tofu and cool, ready to place into the wrappers.

Then, place a spoonful inside the gyoza wrapper. You can find these at any Asian grocery store. Wet the edges with water, fold over and press down. Fry in a frying pan til brown on one side. Add about a half centimetre of water and steam, making sure they don't go too soggy. Flip and fry on the other side (optional). Enjoy!

Have you ever made vegetarian gyoza?

What's YOUR recipe?

Do YOU teach your kids to cook?

This post was created for #fruitsandveggiesmonday, created by @lenasveganliving and hosted by @plantstoplanks. It's an awesome way to share recipes based on a plant based diet and I love checking the tag every Monday for a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. You don't have to be a vegan to join at all karma and there are plenty of meat eaters that enjoy fantastic meals without meat as well. The aim is to promote a healthy diet and celebrate fruits and vegetables without meat or dairy. If you would like to know more please check the contest rules which you can find easily on @plantstoplanks blog!

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Dumplings are so yummy 😍

Posted using Partiko iOS

That looks like something I might be able to do!

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Cuidar de nuestra alimentación es de vital importancia, además de eso desarrollamos un amor hacia la cocina que es un arte.

I love gyoza, just made a big batch last week and they were all gone almost immediately haha

Yum. Have you tried freezing them? What do you put in them?

No, I haven't, I don't really freeze anything apart from ice and meat haha. I used ground pork, fresh cabbage, carrots, spring onions, garlic, ginger and some soy sauce, I think I might have added a little bit of chili paste too.
I'm gonna try making gyoza with chicken next time. I also attempted making my own wrappers, but something went wrong haha, our grocery store sells wrappers, so I will just get those instead. It looks like you did a good job making yours though!

They were even better tonight! Cabbage, spring onion, tofu, mushroom, sesame oil, tamari. With a sauce of ginger, maple syrup and tamari and a Korean chilli jam. Soooo good.

Sounds absolutely delicious!

Sounds scrumptious!! My little wanted to cook tonight too! She steamed up some veggies and made....don't laugh...Amy's organic mac n cheese. Yep, it was a comfort food kind of night. Haha. We hardly EVER eat things like that but she really wanted it, it was simple for an 8 yr old to make, and well, I'm just feeling wiped out today so mac n cheese with veggies it is! She has in the past prepared some really delicious salads, healthy smoothies, helped to prepare sourdough breads, but that is about it. I do need to teach her more cooking skills for healthful meals. Thanks for inspiring!! I'll have to see if I can find the gyoza wraps so we can try the recipe you posted. It sounds delicious.

Delicious! I love veggie gyoza. I make lots of stir fries with them in the winter months but store bought unfortunately. Perhaps I’ll try my hand at making homemade ones.

They are easier than you think. Really good!!!!! Xxx

Fabulous cooking! I have cooked vegan before - before my parents went raw. I haven't tried this one either vegan or non...

And yes, I teach my children to cook. My sons are quite good at it - one of my sons learned how to make puff pastry - we used a French recipe too. Another one made his own bechemel sauce and made the best lasagna I've ever had!

Those look delicious! Do you make the wrap from scratch, or do you purchase the wrap? I need to look up a recipe!

My parents tried to teach me to cook, honest, but I didn't develop the patience to actually do it well until my 30s. Prior to that, I was well known for burning water (and thoroughly ruining the pot I was heating it in). Great advice for parents though!

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Ha, we have all burnt water haha!!!! Many times.

I got the wrappers from Chinese grocer!!! Soooo good!!! Easy as and LOTS of recipes online. Xx

I could see a bit of confusion about cutting around that pit of a mango, but cooking it? Lol. Congrats on teaching him cooking. I hope one day my son will be that age and whipping up a fresh loaf of bread and impressing the ladies.

Ha yep it makes them a real catch! The two of them do enjoy it together. For afters they made proper espresso with ground chai spices. I must say I was impressed. Start em young Ginny... you will be having a meal cooked for you before yoi kmow it

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