French Lentil Soup w/ Potato Finnish Bread (in French accent): fruit and veggies Monday.

Hi y’all!

What a crazy hard fork (or soft knife) that was. My husband and I had Steemit withdrawal symptoms for a full week but now that we are good and re-charged (rested), we are rip, roaring, ret (ready), to go.

I always look forward to Monday’s and checking out everyone’s #fruitsandveggiesmonday recipes, so of course today is no exception- thank you @lenasveganliving for always doing a fantastic job as the hostess and keeping Monday’s fresh and fruity :)

I have quite a collection of recipes sitting in my arsenal stacking up since we’ve been on ice but picked, what I think to be, the perfect recipe for the start of a new week and a new and improved platform.


French Lentil Soup w/ Potato Finnish Bread

First of all, can we talk about that Potato Finnish Bread @jasmink put up last week…? That stuff looked so good, so easy, I was making soup anyway and best part, I had the ingredients so thought “let’s rock and roll”! I made them the same night I copped the recipe… just sayin 🤷🏼‍♀️ “Finnish Bread is nom nom nom nom”. Thanks @jasmink for the stellar inspiration.

I set out like any other soup prepping night but this time had my heart set on using my newly acquired Herbs de Provence. I think the name speaks for itself- I’m about to get fancy with it (in my best French accent).


Your start up might look something like this, but let yourself be flexible… I think I snuck in green onions, freshly chopped tomato and whatever else I had on hand that I thought would taste good.


1 onion (chopped)
4-5 carrots (chopped)
2 tomatoes (optional/chopped)
4-5 stalks green onion (chopped)
3-4 garlic cloves (minced)
2 Tbsp Apple cider vinegar
1 Cup lentils (I used green)
1 Can chopped tomatoes
1 Tbsp Herbs de Provence
5-6 Cups vegetable broth
Sea salt & pepper to taste


Of course I begin by sautéing the onion until nice and fragrant. Usually my hubby will say something like “that sure does smell good in there”. I suppose frying onions can make anyone smell like they know what they’re doing in the kitchen.


I prep chop my carrots while making @dandays salivate, at the now, aroma of success which fills the house. Then mince the garlic and get ready for the smelly trifecta.


Did you think the smelly trifecta was going to be like poop? Well you were wrong… it’s the onion, garlic and herbs de provence, which obviously is said in French accent because it’s italicized…duh.


At this point, add all of your spices, the carrots, and a couple tablespoons of wine or sherry. I don’t really drink so used ACV (Apple cider vinegar) to get the same effect.


Stir everything together for a minute and dun, dun, dun… - bring on the lentils.


This is how I quickly sort my lentils to ensure we don’t bite down on a stone. I’m not sure how you do it but if it’s different then this let me know about it in the comments. I’m always looking for new Andy improved cooking hacks. (Btw, who’s Andy 🤷🏼‍♀️)


Along with the lentils, throw in the green onion, canned tomato, freshly chopped tomato and anything else your heart fancies. Top it all off with the vegetable broth and give your pot a good once around to mix it all up.


Bring the soup to a boil then lid it on simmer for about 35-45 minutes. This is also where I got jiggy with it.

A quick executive decision was made “get down on some Potato Finnish bread”. It’s in quotes because that is a direct thought from my brain- all original content. Haha…

I don’t know about you but we never have left over mashed potatoes laying around so this means I’m-a-get to mashin.


I chopped two or three, peeled and rinsed potatoes. Now I’m working against the clock so buckle up butter cup… this is how I make mashed po-tates.


Using my only other pot, which is thumbalina sized, I bring my chopped potatoes to a boil and put the lid on. The goal is to soften the spuds as quickly as possible. So about 15-20 minutes.


I got too antsy and took my tates off the flame a little prematurely. Since I only have a fork to mash them and not a potato masher I thought ‘why not use the blender to do my hard work for me’. Good thing I went to a four year college and am plagued with student loan debt for that epiphany 🤦🏼‍♀️


Having added almond milk, sea salt, pepper and garlic powder the spuds turned out perfectly. It’s amazing I was able to refrain from scarfing them. If you want to know how to make the Potato Finnish Bread click on @jasmink ‘s hyper link. Super nom, nom, nom, nom.


By the way, I used gluten free flour and my bread turned out great. Right about now my husband is asking what I’m up to in the kitchen. Maybe it’s because I had flour all over my face and the counters… don’t judge me… I’ve never made bread before.

I also made the mistake of putting the dough in the oven on top of wax paper. I had a feeling the paper wouldn’t do well in the oven but the smoke that filled my kitchen confirmed it. “No wax paper in the oven, only parchment paper- which is the real stuff”… noted!!

After a quick switch to foil and a few space maneuvering adjustments, 15 minutes later and we are in business.


Taadaa! Potato Finnish Bread, nom, nom, nom 😋.


I sprinkled a little herbs de provence on half the batch to match their soup counter part. I think it worked out well.


Needless to say, @dandays, was a happy camper and the soup wasn’t too shabby either. Haha… Thank you @jasmink for the inspiration!

Now I didn’t mean for the bread to steal the show but that’s what happens when you remain flexible in the kitchen- you make unforeseen magic!

Until next Monday, my fruity ba-tootie vegetable chop suey… it’s always a pleasure having you over.

Pura Vida ✌️


I had a feeling the paper wouldn’t do well in the oven but the smoke that filled my kitchen confirmed it.

That’s funny! Bravo on all the punch lines, I forget I’m reading a food recipe. You’re a gangster. ‘So uh.. come here often?’

Good one babe!

I really love lentils) it is she who leaves a feeling of satiety and sates, when you vegan)))

Amen! I’ve finally perfected my best taco filling and you guessed it… lentils are the star once again :). Thanks for stopping by @inna-world- always a pleasure swapping recipes with plant based gangsters.

yes, I love yummy food vegan) will follow you)

Aww yeah, give me some of that bread and soup goodness!! I got some potatoes at the market this week, as well, so I have that bread on my to-do for sure. That soup looks like the perfect accompaniment for that bread to sop up some delicousness. Yep, you can never have too many recipes like this! Good to see you back! Earlier today the contest was looking mighty lonely, but looks like it has picked up to brighten the end of my day. :)

It’s good to be back my friend! I, too, am super excited about soup season… soup here, soup there, soup errywhere… love it. Glad to see everyone joining the reindeer games now. I think the fork threw everyone off their game (at least it did me). Looking forward to your potato creations @plantstoplanks 😉

Ohlala! This looks delicious! Soups are my favorite - I guess I already mentioned that! And that bread looks scrumptious! Thank you for sharing and good luck with the contest!

Thank you @delishtreats! It’s good to be back and running again- great to see you :) Soups are my go to when I’m feeling like I need some warm love. So I guess this is our season. Love it!

I stopped reading while I saw the wax paper... never seen people bake breads using it but then... LOL @puravidaville, your soup and the potato finnish bread looked as delicious as your whole story, fun though! Good Luck with the contest

Haha… thank you @cicisaja… I really appreciate the compliment :). Good luck to you as well.

This off topic, but I know you and your family are in Indonesia, are you affected by the tsunami that just devastated the area? I hope not and we wish you guys safety and love.

Thank you for your concern @puravidaville, I was affected by tsunami 14 years ago in my homeland Aceh, where you can find the bilimbi trees anywhere.

But the last tsunami on Friday night? NO.. we're not affected directly because it happened in Central Sulawesi while I'm living in South Tangerang, Banten, West Java. But.. as you know, if you have experienced the cathastrophe before.. somehow it will affected to your heart and mind😔

Of course… it’s quite devestating and heart wrenching to watch. I am glad you and your family are far enough away from this one to not be directly affected but will continue to keep all of Indonesia in my good thoughts.

Thank you ..and I hope that the disaster won't change your mind from visiting Indonesis 😉 but.. hey don't be around Indonesia on April 2019😀 it's gonna be uncomfort because it's time for the general election in all over indonesia.

We’ll be in the area about November and December this year. I believe it’ll be right in the middle of rainy season 🤷🏼‍♀️ Hopefully we can sneak a few beach days in there.

Don't worry about the rainy season 😂 it'd never be on time anyway.. you'll find the best beach and stay away from away from the beach that probably near to the ring of fire..

Ring of fire sounds kind of scary.… haha

Another yummy recipe I’m gonna try

Yay… you gotta take a photo and show me sometime.

I will 👍

Oh my that looks soooo delicious. The ingredients in the soup are perfect and the bread is out of this world.

Thank you so much @carolynstahl… the bread made for a good dipping bread with the lentils. I have miss @jasmink to thank for that one :)

"Hard fork (or soft knife)" that's a good one........LOL!!! You always make me laugh! And the food is just what doctor ordered. As the weather cooling down, I am craving soups and looks like I am not the only one. I am going to make this one for sure my Dear. It sounds and looks delicious 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
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:)… I’m glad you like it @lenasveganliving ! Soups are the new Black right now… super excited for the season. I’ll take a soup anything. Thank you for your support my friend!

Oh my, I didn't know that you're in the risk of burning your house down if you use wax paper (I've never used it), luckily everything turn out well. I have to say, I'm really flattered again by this, you do justice to my potato bread recipe! It feels great to have posted something that you enjoy so much you want to include it into your own post! :)

Warming lentil soup with bread, that's a perfect dinner if you ask me! I think I'll have to make lentil soup very shortly, soups are perfect autumn food. I think this post of yours should win F's and V's Monday this week, I mean it includes all the best things in the world, delicious soup and bread with potato! Well done, @puravidaville, you're amazing! :)

I used the wax paper because it looked like you used wax paper so thought “it must be oven safe”. Haha… a quick google search after smoking the place out and come to find out it’s not… whoops. Lol

The thing is it just worked perfectly for what I was making and I happened to have all the ingredients on hand 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ll always make this recipe now- it’s so delicious and simple. I don’t know why I’ve always been so intimidated by baking bread. This will be my go to bread recipe though… thanks again @jasmink :)

It’s very sweet of you to say this is a winner- by that compliment alone, I’ve already won. I really appreciate your friendship and think you’re amazing as well! I mean cmon, foraging for your own food in your local forest is pretty damn cool 😉

Haha, at least you learned something valuable through the experience and nothing bad happened!

You have no idea how glad I am that you've found your go to bread recipe, there's no need to be intimidated by baking bread anymore! :)

You got that right. The only dilemna is “don’t eat the mashed potatoes before making the bread”. That’s a hard one :)

Haha, it surely can be a real struggle!

It's so great seeing recipes shared and inspirations growing. Your lentil recipe is very timely for me, as I have a bag of them side-eyeing me from the pantry. <3

Haha… don’t let those bastards side eye you in your own home… cook those son a ma beaches up! Haha… lentil soups are definitely one of my favorites. It’s good to see you over here @creationofcare- stop by anytime my friend :)

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