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RE: Southwestern Salad w/ A Garlic White Bean Aioli: Fruits and Veggies Monday

You and @buckaroo have managed to get me drooling over salad today. Bravo, ladies, bravo. @dksart would totally be all over this one. He loves some "re-fried" beans. I'm all about the purple potatoes. And that aioli?? Come on. I can see why absolutely no dressing is needed with that drizzled on top of everything to pack that flavor punch. And ✋✋✋ to @dandays for the help with the clean up. That is definitely my least favorite part of cooking.


I’m a dishes doin fool! Wash, rinse, put away, dirty up, repeat, never met a dish I can’t throw away if necessary. 👍🏿 But she’s not giving me enough credit, @puravidaville, what about my time clock skills??

@plantstoplanks, on any given day of the week, I’ve been known to run two timers at the same time, commonly known as “dual-timin.” I’ll drop whatever it is when I hear “will you set a timer at 35 minutes?” ..doesn’t even matter if I already have one set at 10 minutes, nope! I set two.

‘Got this!’

Well, you made me laugh :)

I need to start writing these things down.. ok, which part did you think was funny?

The dual timing, time setting fool part :)

Haha, perhaps we need to start the "men behind the ladies" series of #fruitsandveggiesmonday? Give a little credit to these hard-working fellas who support us in the kitchen. @dksart helps me out with dishes, too. He is also the official toaster oven-cleaner-upper.

You also just made me think about what one of my former clients used to call the "man parade". We used to laugh about how her husband needed ego stroking every time he helped out with something around the house. So often she would take out two pot lids and clang them together for his personal parade to pay homage to his hard work. 😂

You had me at men behind the ladies!

It was actually fun making a salad bar. We both got to make our own bowls with as much or as little goodies as we wanted, and it made for easy storage when everything was already displayed in individual containers. I’m so glad you liked it, I wasn’t sure how a salad would go over. Sometimes I think if it’s not a big to-do then it’s not post worthy. I forget that simplicity is just as appetizing. Yep, Dandays is the best 🥰.

Thank you for stopping by today @plantstoplanks.

That is a great way to do it. When I do meals like that I tend to steal all the good stuff before @dksart has his turn. 🤣

Simple is always good in my book. It's interesting, too, because sometimes the most basic of my posts have gotten the best feedback. I think we all see the value of getting a delicious meal on the table in whatever way we can, even if it is just a jam-packed yummy salad!

I couldn’t agree more :)

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