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RE: Fruits and Veggies Monday | Bird’s Pineapple Triple Threat!

I'll take one of each, please! I am always happy to see the same item multiple ways. Such a great way to stay on a budget and minimize food waste. Though delicious fruit rarely gets wasted around the Monday group. :) Pineapple is definitely one of my favorites, though I haven't bought any in a while since we've been getting so much local fruit. That tart looks especially delicious! I've never seen the yacon before, but I'll have to keep an eye out next time I visit Whole Foods or one of the other local natural grocers.


You know I am just learning from you my friend! You are the wizard of triple and quadruple recipes at once. As for the pineapple...I have a secret to share...I am growing my own!!!!! I'm so excited, and will share when the little pineapple starts to bloom...its really fun! :) And, now it will be local pineapple!!!!! Perhaps Whole Foods would have Yacon, it is ;ight, nicely flavored with no aftertaste. The health benefits are an added benefit! Let me know what you think if you find it!! Thanks Katie!

Oh yay! We've tried to grow pineapple, but it definitely still gets too cold here in the winter for it to stay alive. That will be awesome to have some of your own fresh from the yard! I will definitely keep an eye out for the Yacon and let you know. :)

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