Fruitsandveggiesmonday - Capellini With Dandelion Chive pesto

This is my post for #fruitsandveggiesmonday thanks to @lenasveganliving


I guess I've been on somewhat of a dandelion kick since they are everywhere and soon they will be tougher than I like. I know many people are not used to using common weeds as food but this is a weed that feeds.

If you already love bitter greens, and like myself, crave it from time to time, then dandelions in spring should somehow be incorporated into your diet. It has many benefits and for me the best benefit is that it is a liver cleanser. I tend to love a drink or two now and then. Okay quite often. Guilty as charged.

I last had a dandelion salad which was superb and the bitterness was almost not there due to the dressing and the topping.

You might be thinking that it is too dirty to eat because it grows on the lawn where dogs pee. Well first of all I try to go to spots that don't look like dog walking favorites, and second of all, I have a great cleaning ritual for these leaves.

They are rinsed in water thoroughly, then they are soaked in cold water with salt and vinegar. After ten minutes or more I rinse them in water again and soak them in vinegar and salt once more. This is most likely not necessary but it makes me feel better. I've eaten the leaves straight from the ground and I'm still alive. Besides I think that a dirty dandelion is not harmful like some of the garbage food that people put inside of them



Today I made dandelion pesto with some added chives freshly picked. To avoid using too much olive oil, I used a blend of soft tofu, ground sunflower seeds, tahini, garlic and lemon juice and just a little white balsamic. If I was a billionaire I would have used pine nuts. Normally I wouldn't use vinegar for a pesto but I find that the sweet balsamic offsets the bitterness just a bit.


I boiled water for the Angel Hair Capellini which is very thin and if you like your pasta al dente like me, you need to be very careful with this pasta.

When the water is boiling, add the pasta and stir gently until it is bendy but still a little crunchy. Don't be afraid to drain it at this point because it will keep cooking as you add the pesto and mix thoroughly and gently. I like to put it back on the stove after the stove has been turned off but still has heat. While you mix the sauce to coat all of the pasta, it will finish cooking to perfection and be ready to plate.


I sprinkled it with crushed sunflower seeds and chilies since I love spices.

The pesto was tossed uncooked as most pesto is. The hot pasta will heat it up. But if you want to lessen the bitterness which we personally like, you could heat the sauce first. When dandelion is cooked it will get less bitter.




I have a real weakness for pasta. This really plays on that. LOL. Excellent photos. Your dynamic range is really good. It makes the plates look like they're on my desk!

Thank you for that awesome compliment!

perfect ,,, i am happy with successful people like you !!! thanks.

If I was a billionaire I would add truffle :) another art on a plate !

Oh I will only dream of such luxury. Let me know what it's like when you are a billionaire and get to have truffle haha.

If I am a million air I'll just ship some over to Canada and you can try for urself hahaha

I thought truffle wasn't Technically vegan, if u go buy definition of non animal exploitation, just something to consider, don't need to worry tho as we all can't afford it

Gee I never thought of that. Your right though I don't have to worry at all haha.

Those pictures really look amazing, I will try your pesto alternative with the tofu one day !

Thanks @byebyehamburgers. I really hope you do try it.

Amazing, congrats for this creative, beautiful and healthy recipes! We use dandelion greens a lot here in Italy but never thought of a pesto version of it. Like you, I also always add sunflower seeds or walnuts to pesto instead of the expensive pine nuts, but never thought of tofu! Wow, you gave me so many ideas! Thank you!

Thank you @fjorenca! I had Italian friends long ago and I remember them doing something with dandelion but I forget. They were very old like most Italians I know they were healthy until the end. I think having a variety of homemade food helped along with so many varieties of foods including dandelions.

Nice! I like the idea of using tofu in the pesto as I avoid using too much oil, as well. My palate has definitely adapted to bitter greens, so I'm definitely a fan of this yummy looking recipe!

Thank you so much. I'm so happy to here that someone else likes bitter greens. I feel it's a rare breed.

It has definitely been a long time coming, and I definitely like some better than others! They really are so nutrient-dense that it is just silly not to try to incorporate them more, even if you have to do it a little at a time to build up your liking. :)

Ohh my goodness Carolyn, this looks fabulous 😍😍 Thanknyoubso much for sharing! Great entry to the contest!

I am very grateful for your comment @plantbasedmiri!

I had a similar idea but unfortunately dandelion season is almost over here. The wild dandelion gets too bitter after blooming. So I combined mine with other wild herbs. Wait for a future post ...
Your pasta looks amazing. Exactly my kind of food! 😋

You are so right about the later ones they get tougher and more bitter. I really think that cooking them takes away the extreme bitterness leaving just a slight enjoyable bitterness. For now I am going to pick all I can while they're good. The people around these parts kind of think we are crazy haha.

😂🤣 Same here! 😅 I guess they think I am a wich ...

Sorry, @tipU needs to recover voting power - will be back in 6 hours and 53 minutes. Please try then!

I saw this the other day and voted but did not have time to comment. I'm glad to see u won this competition as this looks absolutely beautiful, keep up the amazing work lady!

Thanks for pointing it out. I really am surprised. All of the entries are so awesome.
Thanks for the awesome compliment!

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