Fruits and Veggies Monday Week #54 | Blooming Blueberry Protein Balls

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Good Morning my Fruits and Veggies Friends! Fall is definitely in the air, starting to notice the days are becoming a bit shorter.

During this time of year I always feel it’s time to begin preparing for winter. I have always preserved vegetables, made jellies and jams and dehydrated fruits. Now that we live in a warm climate year round it feels a bit odd to think about preserving foods. We do however, prepare for hurricanes each year, so having dehydrated fruits and vegetables on hand is a great help if we need to make a quick exit!

This week I would love to share a wonderful healthy dehydrator Fruits and Veggies dish with you! But first, I want to thank @lenasveganliving for yet another great week of Fruits and Veggies Monday! Year 2 of this weekly community gathering. Truly appreciate her commitment to healthy living and eating! Best wishes to our guest judge @proanima, a true healthy food creator as well. The dishes she shares from her home gardens are top notch!


Blooming Blueberry Protein Balls


  • 1 cup dehydrated Blueberries
  • 2 cups raw Almonds (soaked overnight, rinsed and drained)
  • 1 cup pitted Medjool Dates
  • ¼ cup fresh Lemon Juice
  • Zest from Fresh Lemon

I began by dehydrating 2 cups of fresh Blueberries for 24-48 hours.

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They will resemble raisins when they are dehydrated. Blueberries are full of antioxidants! In fact they contain the highest amount of antioxidants of all fruits and veggies. Also a very nutrient dense fruit! They are low in sugar as well as carbohydrates.

By dehydrating them you double the antioxidant and nutrient properties! This is a great reason to include them in your daily foods!

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  • Zest and juice your lemon
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Place all ingredients in your favorite food processer. Process until you achieve a smooth consistency. Notice I included 2 cups of almonds! Almonds are high in protein at 20 grams per cup. This combined with the blueberries provides me with a healthy snack

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Roll into small balls and refrigerate or freeze for 2 hours. Keep refrigerated!

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Now enjoy them! Great with a cup of your favorite tea or coffee!

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I hope you’ll try them. These really satisfy that sweet tooth in a healthy way. Keeps those mid-afternoon cravings at bay!

And as always, blessings to all!





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You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 255 (9/12/18)

I so appreciate this! Thank you @thesteemengine for featuring my post in your latest edition!

You make preparing your own protein balls look so easy. Blueberries and almonds and everything else, I know these have to be delicious!

When we settle, a food processor along with a mixer are on my list of tools to get. Question: I’ve never baked with dates before and am wondering what’s the benefit of baking with pitted dates? Do you have to remove the pit before baking? Probably silly questions…

@birdsinparadise you always bring the heat to #fruitsandveggiesmonday- another great job!

You are always so sweet, I appreciate your kindness! Thank you!! :) This recipe is soooooooooooo easy, you would love them! I hope can settle soon, I can't imagine the wonderful goodies you will prepare in your kitchen! Yes, you do want to remove the pits. Medjool dates usually contain pits....hard on the teeth and the food processor lol You can get pitted...just have to look around a bit. They are so easy to remove, no worries my friend :)

Thank you for the info. Maybe I’ll bake something using dates now. Side note, we just peddled our bicycles past these beautifully bloomed birds of paradise flowers and I thought of you instantly. Gotta love Steemit for that. Next time I’ll take a picture :)

;) love it! Thank you my friend!! I look forward to your date recipe!!

You are a real magician my are creating such a delicious and healthy treats with that dehydrator. I absolutely adore that last photo with the teacup. So lovely with all the purple flowers 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
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You are so sweet my friend! Thank you :) The teacup was given to me by my mother-in-law. She believed you should give a tea cup to friends as a gift, nothing like a good cup of tea :) Glad you enjoyed!

That is such a lovely idea......tea tastes much better from a pretty cup like this one 🌸💖🌸

I would love to sit with you and this cup of tea and these blueberry protein balls 💜

Wouldn't that be so fun! Think of what we could talk about....:) You are so sweet, this teacup was given to me by my mother-in law...a cherished piece

@birdsinparadise, how I wish you could come and visit me and stock up on all these delicious and healthy snacks, yummm!

Aw, you are so sweet my friend! We would be pretty dangerous in the kitchen don't you think? Just think of all of those creative brain cells in one room lol

Oh it would be such fun!

These sound delicious. I've been making healthy snacks for my husband, trying to satisfy his insatiable sweet tooth and these sound perfect. I think the dried berries are a fantastic idea.

Thank you so much! I think your husband will enjoy them, the lemon adds a nice surprise to the blueberry flavor :) I find making these treats really curb those cravings, plus they're healthy! I love drying fruit, I'm sure you do as well!

This is amazing and so delicious!! Wow!!

Hello my friend!!! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate your sweet compliment. How are you these days...very busy I'm sure? And the little one, btw I follow you on your videos and posts :) You're a genius!

Oh happy you also watch the videos on IG!:) Yes we are fine, my little boy and partner had both a cold the past few days but it´s getting better now. I am of course very busy all the time to build my business and being active on social media and being with my toddler. Homework is also a big part of what has to be done evryday, sometimes I feel that I am just running, but I really try to take some time off every day, going out being offline,just playing with my kid and sleeping enough! It is so challenging being a mom and caring for everything, but I also love it!!
Thank you, darling!

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed them :) Glad you stopped by

Such a nice idea to dehydrate some blueberries for that! And for sure, this is a perfect hurricane food - keep safe and fruity ☺️

Thank you! Love dehydrating foods - fruits and veggies. Yes, we're safe for now! Not so the east coast of USA. Prayers out to millions in the path of Hurricane Florence right now!!

I already look forward to get my own dehydrator some day when I have settle somewhere - sooo many possibilities for a raw foodie like myself. 🤗

I am glad to hear that and hopefully it won’t be too hard on the affected areas, we wish all of them strength and safety!

I am a huge blueberry fan and blueberries with lemon plus almonds, I definitely need to make some of these. Thank you @birdsinparadise for sharing.

Oh good, I hope you'll enjoy! Not too sweet, just healthy :) Thank you my friend!

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