Lena's Vegan Living Fruits and Veggies amazing challenge submission - Quick and delicious snack. :) 🍇🍍🍑🌸🍑🍍steemCreated with Sketch.

Homemade Hummus 🍇🍍🍑🌸🍑🍍

I am little late to the party as it is Tuesday, but I really want to share this recipe with you guys. Had two practices on Monday and just did not get around to write a post plus when I tried the Steemit was down. But like in life you just have to keep trying and sooner than later the opportunity will come for you to achieve the goal you had in mind. Steemit is up and working normally today so it time for me to write my submission for my amazing friend Lena Fruits and Veggies challenge. :)

So let's get started. Today, I am going to share one of my favorite healthy snacks you can make at home in about 10 minutes. Depending on how good you are with the knife. Do not hurry and cut yourself please. I did it before. lol My hands are really only good for basketball and for other things not so much. lol Anyways, it is a great snack or appetizer if you are having a guest or just watching a movie with your family. So not to talk way too much which I tend to do often, here is my recipe for homemade hummus.

Ingredients you need:

  • Can of Chickpeas (Alternatives- Lentil, Beans, Rice, Peas...)
  • Avocado
  • Carrot
  • Onion
  • Tomatoes
  • 1 Garlic
  • Olive Oil

For spices I used: Paprika, Pepper, and Himalayan salt.


Suggestions for other ingredients: olives, pickles, red peppers, mushrooms, parsley, oregano, basilico, sesame seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds....

You can basically use any kind of ingredients you like. I have experimented with a lot of ingredients. Pick the ingredients you like and make this recipe your own. Cooking can be fun, short, and healthy all the same time. Invest in your health my friend, your body will thank you for it.


Simply clean and cut what needs to be cleaned and cut. Put it all in a blender and add your spices and olive oil. Add as much olive oil as needed for the hummus to get that nice creamy texture. I cook like my dad thought me. Put little, taste it, add more if needed. So should you, my friends. Add a bit try it and work your way from there. Don't be like me at the beginning of my cooking adventures. I would always put too much of salt or pepper and then spend more time trying to offset saltiness with other ingredients. Cooking is easy really. All you have to watch for is that you don't over spice or burn your dishes. That is really all there is to it. As you can always add more salt and spices, but you can't take them out. lol


You really don't need a great blender to make hummus. I bought a 20 euro value one here in Italy and it works great for me. Money well spent in my opinion as I use it a lot. Blend it up until all is well mixed and there are no big pieces of vegetables left in it. This is how it should look like when it all set and done in blender.

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Finishing it up

Pour it all out on the plate or in a plastic container. Basically, in whatever you will serve this delicious hummus. I used corn cakes to dip into the hummus. Not the healthiest thing ever to use, but I like it better than nacho chips, or bread. What you use is entirely up to you. You can maybe use carrots as dipping sticks. There you go, guys. You have one amazing snack which contains pretty much everything your body needs on daily basis. You got some good fats, carbs, protein, and plenty of antioxidants to keep your immune system at a very high level.


I made this snack for my teammate and me one afternoon before I destroyed him on NBA 2017 game on PlayStation. I think he was enjoying this snack too much to focus on the game and I used it to my advantage. lol While he was snacking I was getting buckets. lol Anway, here a picture of two of us having this delicious and healthy snack.


I always say this and I will repeat it again. Your nutrition is your HEALTH. You are what you eat. If you are getting colds and flues on a frequent basis then you should maybe revise what you intake into your body. Because it is not your body which had failed you first, but rather it is you who has failed your body first by not giving it the nutrients it needs to build a strong immune system. Eat fresh food, my friends. Visit the market more than once a week.Veggies and fruits should be on your plate on daily basis. Invest in your health.

As you can see healthy eating is not hard. It is not time-consuming. It can be fun, short, delicious, and CHEAP. Don't make excuses for yourself why you are not eating more healthy. Paying for healthy food is always better than paying doctors in my opinion. Prevention before the intervention. That is the key to healthy living. At least that is what I think from my humble 29-year-old experience.

Anyways I hope you guys try this hummus recipe time you have the family gathering, or as an appetizer when you invite some friends over for dinner. Experiment with it. Add your ingredients, make it your OWN. Use your imagination and most importantly have fun with it. 🍇🍍🍑🌸🍑🍍

Thank you for reading, until next time, much love,

dbjegovic 💓






I think The Weasel would give you some argument about, "cooking is easy." If it were easy, he could do it. But he can't. So it's not.

The fact is he can do more than he lets on, but if he pretends to be helpless, he gets fed faster ... and it's easier on him. Which is his whole point.

He doesn't want to cook food. He wants to eat food. Cooking to him is a necessary evil. Not at all the creative joy you and I know it is, Duro. So, we'll keep it our secret. Let him miss out on the fun. We'll make moments of culinary magic. He can go on stuffing his face.

(Note to self: Well, what do you know!! They have avocados in Croatia!! Will wonders never cease? And corn-cakes, too?? I'm pretty sure there's something fishy about this.)

It's true, I can't cook. I burn poached eggs. Crack open an egg, drop it in boiling water, and burn. Science says it shouldn't happen like that, but I've done it twice. Fortunately, my wife loves to cook and I love to eat. It's a match made in heaven. And I love hummus, it's one of the world's best dips.

(Note to @enchantedspirit: leave the poor lad alone. It's not his fault he's Croatian.)

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Oh yum. That's looks delicious! @ironshield

It really is my friend. And simple to make. :)

Great post! I love putting avocado in my hummus--makes it so creamy. :)

Creamy and healthy at the same time. It does not get much better than this. I love avocados also. There are so many ways to use them also. You can use to make a delicious dessert or add to salads and meals. The perfect ingredient for healthy meals. :)

Thank you for reading and leaving a great comment. Have a great day :)

you make it look easy.. I love hummus.. maybe I'll try this sometimes...great post 🐯

It really is easy to make Rebecca. Nothing to it really. Just dump the ingredients into a blender and that is it. :)

Thank you for reading. Have a beautiful day. :)

Now this is one I can try for my 4 year old - she loves hummus with breadsticks. Well actually just sticking her fingers in and eating hummus truth be told when I turn my back. Haven't thought of making it myself, so will give it a whirl.

Just go easy on garlic and onion if they don't like it. Add olives and pickles instead. It will be even more delicious. You should make it yourself as it is fast and inexpensive. Perfect combination. Plus not to mention healthy. @hopehuggs. :)

Thank you for stopping by, my friend. Have an amazing day. :)

These happy faces tell me that the dish is really delicious :) You are wonderful!

You are absolutely right. The faces tell it all. hehe. Thank you for amazing comment @tanata. :)

Have a wonderful day. :)

Wow Durko, you are genious. I would never though to make humus like this, but it's clearly delicious.

Thank you so much for this fabulous entry my Friend, I am so impressed with the way you promote healthy living tip! 🍇🍍🍑🌸🍑🍍🍉

Thank you my amazing friend. I just came up with it one day as I was buying it in the store. I thought to myself this should not cost this much. So I invented my own. I remember 100 grams or less of hummus here in Italy costs around 3-4 euros. I make 4 times that for the same price at home. Plus I add my own twists to it which makes it even more delicious. :)

You are more than welcome. I am glad I found a time to write it. As I will try to participate every week in your amazing challenge. Love how it promotes healthy living. I am just trying to add my tips to it. Even though my recipes are not nearly as good as the ones on your blog. Those look amazing. Maybe next week I will pick and try to reenact one for my entry. Because your blog truly deserves more promotion and attention. :)

Plus thank you for all the vegan tips and you taking the time to help me get to know vegan world. It meant a lot to me. :)

Have an amazing day as always. :) XOXOXOXOXO @lenasveganliving

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Durko, you are so kind and creative. Thank you so much for being such a good sport and find the time to participate even now when you are crazy busy................XOXOX & tip!

You are more than welcome. You deserve it. Thank you for XOXOXO and the tip. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

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This is great! I'll try this recipe, because I love hummus, but it's very expensive as ready-served-food, and contains preservatives. Home made is, I think, much better!

Homemade is without a doubt much healthier as they need to add preservatives to keep it from spoiling. Plus way less expensive to make. You can try this recipe or add your own twist to it. I recommend olives and pickles inside. It is even more delicious. Plus various kinds of seeds are also great to add. No matter what have some fun with it. Would love to see your recipe for hummus for the next Monday submission for the challenge. :)

@kalemandra thank you for stopping by and reading. Have an amazing day. :)

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