Fruits and veggies monday - Vegan haul and one day of food.

Hey guys,

One important thing to think about when you are vegan is to plan your meals ahead.
It's important even if you are not vegan in order to stay on budget and make the most out of your meals.

I always plan for the new week on Saturdays or Fridays and then we go to the store on either Saturday or Sunday.
Since I'm playing home wife for now (read voluntary unemployed) I'm the one cooking all the food at home.
So the dinners I make will also be the lunch we eat the next day. I also try to make one of the meals into a bigger one so we have that for two lunches. This allows me to always have an extra lunchbox if needed.

I have started to use the by High Carb Hanna and I love how easy it is to work with.
You just add the meals you want to try to your planner and then you can generate your shopping list.
Her meals are optimized for weight loss but I think they work well for me too, I don't need to lose weight :D

This is all the groceries we bought for the week

It's a great feeling not needing to go to the store multiple times a week. Just one 30 min shopping and we are done.
This haul above cost us a little over 70 euros and took 30 minutes in the store, and this photo does not include the 1,2 kilos of frozen cauliflower, edamame beans, and blueberries we bought.

Oh, and if you wonder about the plastic bags, I KNOW. But we are good and recycle, plus Sweden burns 98% of all its trash and turns it into environmentally friendly heat and electricity. I feel I need to make a post by itself just to explain the need of these bags :D

Anyway yesterday I made a vegan tuna salad, using chickpeas, and we had the same thing for lunch today.

vegan tuna salad, tasted a little fishy ;D

This morning we had baked apple pie porridge, this one takes ALOT of time to make so I'm lucky I don't have a job to go to :D. 10 minutes prep and 35 minutes in the oven.

Luxury breakkie

I want to dedicate this post to the lovely @lenasveganliving fruits and veggies Monday.
It's a great initiative where you share your delicious creations made of fruits and veggies :)

I hope you enjoyed this post :)

Lots of love / Nicole


very good Organisation skills are a must in a healthy kitchen as lots of products are fresh and need to be consumed shortly!

Yes :) Totally agree :)

I love high carb Hannah! Looks so yummy 😋

We love her too :) So many great options to choose from and most of it is delicious :)

Ah i love looking at vegan shopping hauls 😍 i always accidentally overshop because whenever i make a list none of the fresh produce is there!

Please make a post about the plastic bags and energy it would be so interesting to read!

Haha it's really easy to overshop =) I have a pretty good idea of what's usually in the store so that never becomes a problem :D.

I will :) It will be a long one :D

Looks like a great haul! I enjoy going to the grocery store, but definitely save money when I only go 1-2 times a week! Usually once for the big haul then another quick trip if I need to refresh before the week is up. :)

Haha I really don't like going to the store unless we are really organized and make it a quick trip. I always organize the shopping list based on where everything is in the store and if we are in the store more than 40 minutes then we took to long :D. Usually never takes more than around 1 hour going to the store and then back home again.
We have one store just across the road where I live but it's super expensive so we only do singular items when we missed something in the weekly haul :D

I love how organized you are! And it looks like you are making some delicious stuff! I definitely need to plan out my meals better.

Thank you :) It sure is delicious :) Planning is a great way to stick to a diet and make the changes you want. I found it easier when we discovered high carb Hannas plant meal planner since it's so easy to use :)

I love vegan tunaless salad, thanks for reminding me to make it again.

Thank you so much Dear Nicole for shraing your efficient way to make healthy vegan meals. This is why I love this competition. Presenting the facts that vegan lifestyle can be easy, delicious, nourishing and affordable 🌸💖🌸

It was so good :) I loved it. This was the first time I made it myself and it have that fishy taste :D. I didn't have so much nori in but it's amazing that you can get the flavours just by using algea.

I love the competition too. As you said it's such a great platform =)

Vegan tuna salad? It sounds interestin;) I love overnight porridge which I often prepare but It's very good idea to bake it in oven:) I need to try!

It was really good, and you can use in to have in a baguette or as we did in a salad =).
Yeah if you want to save some time you can prepp it the day before and bake it a little less time in the oven :) I had mine on 180 C and it came out really good =)

I think these are the first actual food pictures I have seen from you Nicole! They looks so delish;) So you spend about 70-80€ for food in one week? Thats great! We do that too, we have a budget for each week and buy our food with cash to have a better overview! It works most of the time, I just need to remember to not go to the grocery store when I am hungry or need something for my bakings hehe!;) Love your post sweetheart!

Haha yeah I know :) Happy you like them :D.
Yes we rarely go over 80€, only when we need to replenish on some larger little more expensive packings. Like toiletpaper, soysauce, soap and so on. Those things usually cost a little more :D
And some weeks we manage on only 60€ since we might have a lot of the ingredients at home.
If I would start baking again then the weekly budget would go up :D
It's hardly possible to pay with cash anymore here in Sweden. So we always use our visa card.

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